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eligibility ne demek?

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eligibility anlamı
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2) uygun olma
3) üstünlük
4) ayrıcalık

"eligibility" için örnek kullanımlar

The other eligibility rulings on Thursday were fairly predictable.
Perşembe günü diğer uygunluk kararları oldukça tahmin edildi.
Kaynak: artsbeat.blogs.nytimes.com
The waivers request for Bell comes 10 days after the playoff eligibility deadline.
Bell feragat talebi 10 gün playoff uygunluk tarihinden sonra gelir.
Kaynak: cbssports.com
1, a total of 594 were placed on the eligibility list, which is good for two years.
1, 594 toplam iki yıl için iyi uygunluk listesinde yerleştirildi.
Kaynak: toledoblade.com
BREAKING: Devin Gardner granted medical hardship, 2 seasons of eligibility remaining.
KIRILMA: Devin Gardner tıbbi sıkıntı, kalan uygunluk 2 sezon verilmiş.
Kaynak: bleacherreport.com
Eligibility may refer to: The right to run for office (in elections ), sometimes called passive suffrage or voting eligibility
Kaynak: Eligibility
States college athletics , redshirt is a delay or suspension of an athlete's participation in order to lengthen his or her period of eligibility.
Kaynak: Redshirt (college sports)
The right to run for office is sometimes called (candidate) eligibility, and the combination of both rights is sometimes called full
Kaynak: Suffrage
Status as a natural-born citizen of the United States is one of the eligibility requirements established in the United States Constitution
Kaynak: Natural-born-citizen clause
restrictions on amateurism, and to allow skaters who had previously lost their amateur status to apply for reinstatement of their eligibility.
Kaynak: Amateur sports
Interlingua in either of two ways: through regular derivation using roots and affixes or by establishing their eligibility as international words.
Kaynak: Eligibility of international words in Interlingua
Bowl eligibility in college football at the NCAA Division I FBS level is the standard through which teams become available for selection
Kaynak: Bowl eligibility
FIFA eligibility rules describe the criteria that are used to determine whether an association football player is allowed to represent a
Kaynak: FIFA eligibility rules
Less eligibility was a condition of the Poor Law Amendment Act 1834 It was intended to make workhouse s a deterrent . It stated that
Kaynak: Less eligibility
Numerous lawsuits and ballot challenges, based on conspiracy theories related to Barack Obama 's eligibility for the United States
Kaynak: Barack Obama presidential eligibility litigation
Section 1 of Article Two of the United States Constitution sets forth the eligibility requirements for serving as President of the United
Kaynak: United States presidential eligibility legislation

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