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elves ne demek?

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"elves" için örnek kullanımlar

Motus turns actors into animated characters, such as zombies, elves and more.
Motus tür zombiler, elfler ve daha fazlası gibi animasyon karakterleri, içine aktörler döner.
Kaynak: businessinsider.com
The lead track on Here Comes Science equates angels with "unicorns and elves."
İşte üzerine kurşun parça Bilim melekler eşittir Comes "unicorns ve elfler."
Kaynak: villagevoice.com
The special theme chosen by Lancashire Libraries was fairies, elves and wizards.
Lancashire Kütüphaneler tarafından seçilen özel tema periler, cinler ve sihirbazlar oldu.
Kaynak: lep.co.uk
He's done stunts and played elves, but won't embarrass himself.
O stunts ve oynanan elfler bitti, ama kendisi mahçup olmayacak.
Kaynak: sentinelsource.com
An elf (plural: elves) is a type of supernatural being in Germanic mythology and folklore Elves are first attested in Old English and
Kaynak: Elf
In the Dungeons & Dragons fantasy role-playing game , elves are a fictional humanoid race that is one of the primary races available
Kaynak: Elf (Dungeons & Dragons)
In many works of modern fantasy , elves are depicted as a race of semi-divine humanoid beings. Characteristics and common features
Kaynak: Elves in fantasy fiction and games
Silvan Elves (wood elves) are a type of Elves in J. R. R. Tolkien 's fictional universe of Middle-earth , mainly the Elves of Mirkwood
Kaynak: Silvan Elves
Many fantasy settings contain elves , often, particularly in western fantasy elves are divided into multiple different kinds.
Kaynak: High elves
Huldufólk (Icelandic hidden people from huldu- "pertaining to secrecy" and fólk "people", "folk") are elves in Iceland ic folklore
Kaynak: Huldufólk
The Dark Elves of Svartalfheim and the Light Elves of Alfheim are fictional races in the Marvel Universe based on the elves of Norse
Kaynak: Elves (Marvel Comics)
In Terry Pratchett 's Discworld novels, elves are extradimensional inhuman monster s. Elves on the Discworld are based more on the nastier
Kaynak: Elves (Discworld)
Because of their docile, obedient natures, some families abuse their house-elves. Dark wizard families in particular seem to make a habit
Kaynak: Magical creatures in Harry Potter
Within the lore of the Elder Scrolls universe, men and elves alike were descended from an ancestral race known as the "Ehlnofey", and are
Kaynak: Races of The Elder Scrolls
The comic book series Elfquest , created by Wendy and Richard Pini , features a race of elves on the World of Two Moons , searching for
Kaynak: Elves (Elfquest)
Christmas elves are often depicted as green or red clad with pointy ears, long noses, and pointy hats. Santa's elves are often said to
Kaynak: Christmas elf
for they rode dragons, at the birth of which a bond was formed in accordance with a pact made between elves and dragons millennia earlier.
Kaynak: Inheritance Cycle

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