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emaciation ne demek?

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İngilizce - Türkçe

emaciation anlamı
1) zayıflama
2) aşırı zayıflık
3) iğne ipliğe dönme

"emaciation" için örnek kullanımlar

They are targeted at vulnerable women seeking the quickest route to emaciation.
Onlar zayıflama en hızlı rotayı arayan savunmasız kadınlara yöneliktir.
Kaynak: independent.co.uk
The infection eventually leads to emaciation and death.
Enfeksiyon sonunda zayıflama ve ölüme yol açar.
Kaynak: mycentraljersey.com
Lucky animals if survived the stage, will suffer from emaciation, stunted growth and abortions.
Eğer Lucky hayvanlar, bodur büyüme ve düşükler, sahnede hayatta zayıflama yaşayacaktır.
Kaynak: news.sudanvisiondaily.com
They are in varying stages of emaciation; we have given them a condition rating which matches the Amersham horses.
Onlar zayıflama aşamalarında farklı vardır; onlara Amersham atları eşleşen bir durum değerlendirmesi verdik.
Kaynak: horseandcountry.tv
People with lean narrow physiques, see emaciation and underweight Thin client , computer in client-server architecture networks
Kaynak: Thin
Alkali disease is characterized by emaciation, loss of hair, deformation and shedding of hooves, loss of vitality and erosion of the
Kaynak: Selenomethionine
exhibited severe emaciation and physical weakness, an apathetic listlessness regarding their own fate, and unresponsiveness to their surroundings
Kaynak: Muselmann
appetite, heartburn , nervous dyspepsia , constipation , or diarrhea , abdominal distention, headache , vertigo , emaciation , and loss of sleep .
Kaynak: Visceroptosis
He died in Poznań from pneumonia as a consequence of emaciation of the body due to the travel, malaria and a leg surgery. Commemorative
Kaynak: Kazimierz Nowak
Nonspecific signs such as anorexia , lethargy , emaciation , ruffled fur, or sudden death without clinical signs may be observed Mucoid,
Kaynak: Tyzzer's disease
Symptoms include anorexia and emaciation. It is a problem common to caged birds. Vultures are particularly sensitive to poisoning by
Kaynak: Visceral gout
It is used where there is "deficiency of both qi and blood marked by emaciation and general feebleness, aching and limpness of loins and
Kaynak: Wuji Baifeng Wan
wolves through eating fish, infects the wolf's liver or gall bladder, causing liver disease , inflammation of the pancreas, and emaciation .
Kaynak: Gray wolf
Association at Oxford in which he referred to a peculiar form of disease occurring mostly in young women, and characterised by extreme emaciation.
Kaynak: Sir William Gull, 1st Baronet
hikers and backpackers including both short-trip ones, and long-trip backpackers who court injury and emaciation in carrying their heavy loads.
Kaynak: Pack animal
He died of emaciation and was buried on 17 June 1812 on the old Catholic cemetery in Matzleinsdorf. Contrary to widespread information in
Kaynak: Anton Stadler
traditionally Navara was used in the ayurveda system of medicine for treatment of neurological disorders, arthritis and emaciation of limbs.
Kaynak: Navara rice
Symptoms of locoism include depression , blindness , loss of coordination, emaciation , tremors, paralysis , constipation , deterioration
Kaynak: Oxytropis sericea
They cause nodular typhlitis , diarrhoea , emaciation and death H. gallinarum is the most well-known species , and is most important as
Kaynak: Heterakis
Industrial products can be seen as artificial, whereas fruits and vegetables can be seen as healthy Bratman asserts that "emaciation is
Kaynak: Orthorexia nervosa
body weight : emaciation C23.888.144.243.963.500.500 | Cachexia cachexia C23.888.144.300 | Fetal+Weight fetal weight C23.888.144.699 |
Kaynak: List of MeSH codes (C23)

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