In the meantime black smoke will
emanate from the chimney of the Sistine Chapel.
Bu arada siyah duman olarak Sistine Chapel baca oluşturulacak.
Kaynak: businessandleadership.comQuarters close to Nawaz Sharif, however,
emanate different vibes.
Quarters Navaz Şerif yakın, ancak farklı titreşimler oluştururlar.
Kaynak: that were the worst scent to
emanate from the mouths of our furry friends.
Bizim kürklü arkadaşlarıyla ağzından sızan kötü koku vardı wouldst.
Kaynak: techcrunch.comAfro Bolivians are Bolivia ns of Africa n ancestry, and to historical or cultural elements in Bolivia thought to
emanate from this
Kaynak: Afro Bolivian