Such a move would rile the Japanese populace, who consider the
emperor a living god.
Böyle bir hamle, imparator bir yaşam tanrı düşünün Japon halkı, rile olurdu.
Kaynak: sltrib.comBut since
Emperor is all we've got, let's make the most of it.
Ama İmparator Elimizdeki tüm olduğundan, bu hizmeti en iyi şekilde sağlar.
Kaynak: frontrow.dmagazine.comEmperor penguins have always known they're really chill, and now scientists know it too.
İmparator penguenleri her zaman onlar gerçekten chill, ve şimdi bilim adamlarının da bunu biliyor tanıyoruz.
Kaynak: "
Emperor" is the second film where Matthew Fox has played a role based on a real person.
"İmparator" Matthew Fox gerçek bir kişi dayalı bir rol oynamıştır ikinci filmi.
Kaynak: fresnobee.comAn
emperor (through Old French empereor from Latin imperator ) is a (male) monarch , usually the sovereign ruler of an empire or another
Kaynak: EmperorThe Roman
emperor was the ruler of the Roman State during the imperial period (starting at about 27 BC). title was associated with the
Kaynak: Roman emperorEmperors almost never left their palace compound, or Gosho in Kyoto , except after an
emperor retired or to take shelter in a temple if
Kaynak: Emperor Meiji Although the senate could do little short of assassination and open rebellion to contravene the will of the
emperor, it survived the
Kaynak: Roman Empire