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emperor ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

İngilizce - Türkçe

emperor anlamı
1) imparator

"emperor" için örnek kullanımlar

Such a move would rile the Japanese populace, who consider the emperor a living god.
Böyle bir hamle, imparator bir yaşam tanrı düşünün Japon halkı, rile olurdu.
Kaynak: sltrib.com
But since Emperor is all we've got, let's make the most of it.
Ama İmparator Elimizdeki tüm olduğundan, bu hizmeti en iyi şekilde sağlar.
Kaynak: frontrow.dmagazine.com
Emperor penguins have always known they're really chill, and now scientists know it too.
İmparator penguenleri her zaman onlar gerçekten chill, ve şimdi bilim adamlarının da bunu biliyor tanıyoruz.
Kaynak: inquisitr.com
"Emperor" is the second film where Matthew Fox has played a role based on a real person.
"İmparator" Matthew Fox gerçek bir kişi dayalı bir rol oynamıştır ikinci filmi.
Kaynak: fresnobee.com
An emperor (through Old French empereor from Latin imperator ) is a (male) monarch , usually the sovereign ruler of an empire or another
Kaynak: Emperor
The Roman emperor was the ruler of the Roman State during the imperial period (starting at about 27 BC). title was associated with the emperor.
Kaynak: Roman emperor
Emperors almost never left their palace compound, or Gosho in Kyoto , except after an emperor retired or to take shelter in a temple if
Kaynak: Emperor Meiji
Although the senate could do little short of assassination and open rebellion to contravene the will of the emperor, it survived the
Kaynak: Roman Empire

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