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enclosures ne demek?

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"enclosures" için örnek kullanımlar

Keep copies of the letter, the enclosures and the return receipt.
Mektup, muhafazaları ve iade makbuzu kopyalarını saklayın.
Kaynak: chicagotribune.com
Some enclosures will be capable of housing multiple species, according to zoo officials.
Bazı muhafazaları hayvanat bahçesi yetkililerine göre, birden fazla türün barınaklarından yeteneğine sahip olacak.
Kaynak: prweb.com
The FAA approved limited test flights for two aircraft, which will have redesigned batteries and enclosures.
FAA piller ve muhafazaları redesigned olacak iki uçak için sınırlı bir test uçuşları onayladı.
Kaynak: usatoday.com
When workers place acorns in the bear enclosures, he said they are scattered so that bears have to forage for them.
Işçilerin ayı kasalarındaki palamudu yerleştirdiğinizde, o ayılar onlara yem zorunda böylece onlar dağınık söyledi.
Kaynak: knoxnews.com
Tudor enclosures: There was a significant rise in enclosure during the Tudor period . These enclosures largely resulted in conversion of
Kaynak: Enclosure
RSS enclosures are a way of attaching multimedia content to RSS feeds by providing the URL of a file associated with an entry, such as
Kaynak: RSS enclosure
Drive enclosures provide power to the drives therein and convert the data sent across their native data bus into a format usable by an
Kaynak: Disk enclosure
Regulations may dictate the features and performance of enclosures for electrical equipment in hazardous areas , such as petrochemical
Kaynak: Enclosure (electrical)
Enclosures are the spaces between these walls, and between the innermost wall and the temple itself. By modern convention, enclosures are
Kaynak: Khmer architecture
The term describes multiple types of enclosures that may confine one or many animals. Construction and terminology varies depending on
Kaynak: Pen (enclosure)
rack-mounted and blade server s may include precise external dimensions as well, since these cases must themselves fit in specific enclosures.
Kaynak: Computer case
The Three enclosures (三垣, pinyin : Sān Yuán) are the Purple Forbidden enclosure (紫微垣), Supreme Palace enclosure (太微垣), and Heavenly
Kaynak: Three enclosures
A number of approximately 120–150 Neolithic earthworks enclosures are known in Central Europe . "circular ditched enclosures") in German,
Kaynak: Neolithic circular enclosures in Central Europe
is one of the San Yuan(zh | 三垣) or Three enclosures . Stars and constellations of this group lie near the north celestial pole and visible
Kaynak: Purple Forbidden enclosure
The presence of human remains in the banks and ditches of the enclosures has been seen as an attempt by the builders to connect their
Kaynak: Causewayed enclosure

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