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endothermic ne demek?

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endothermic anlamı

"endothermic" için örnek kullanımlar

Humans are endothermic creatures, which means they give off heat.
Insanlar onlar ısı çıkarmak demektir endotermik yaratıklardır.
Kaynak: iol.co.za
While we're on the topic of barium hydroxide, I can share one regret with you: as a kid, I'd have loved to do this endothermic reaction with an ammonium salt.
Biz baryum hidroksit konuda yaparken, seninle bir pişmanlık paylaşabilirsiniz: bir çocuk olarak, ben bir amonyum tuzu ile bu endotermik reaksiyon yapmak isterdim.
Kaynak: blogs.nature.com
In thermodynamics , the word endothermic describes a process or reaction in which the system absorbs energy from its surroundings in the
Kaynak: Endothermic
Nearly all mammals are endothermic ("warm-blooded "). Most mammals also have hair to help keep them warm. Like birds, mammals can forage
Kaynak: Mammal
they are endothermic, homeothermic, and tachymetabolic). However, over the past 30 years, studies in the field of animal thermophysiology
Kaynak: Warm-blooded
Advantages and disadvantages of an endothermic metabolism: The major advantage of endothermy over ectothermy is decreased vulnerability to
Kaynak: Endotherm
The opposite of an exothermic process is an endothermic process, one that absorbs energy in the form of heat. The concept is frequently
Kaynak: Exothermic
The reaction is usually endothermic as heat is required to break chemical bond s in the compound undergoing decomposition. If
Kaynak: Thermal decomposition
The terms exothermic and endothermic reactions relate to the enthalpy change of a process. See also : Endergonic reaction References
Kaynak: Exergonic reaction
In contrast, in endothermic reactions, heat is consumed from the environment. This can occur by increasing the entropy of the system,
Kaynak: Chemical reaction
Birds (class Aves) are feather ed, wing ed, biped al, endothermic (warm-blooded ), egg-laying , vertebrate animals. With around 10,000
Kaynak: Bird
These endothermic insects are better described as regional heterotherms (see Heterothermy ) because they are not endothermic the entire
Kaynak: Insect thermoregulation
Sublimation is an endothermic phase transition that occurs at temperatures and pressures below a substance's triple point in its phase
Kaynak: Sublimation (phase transition)
presence of hair or fur ; specialized teeth ; the presence of a neocortex region in the brain ; and endothermic or "warm-blooded " bodies.
Kaynak: Endangered mammals of India
It is the opposite of an endothermic reaction . Expressed in a chemical equation : reactants → products + energy. Overview : An exothermic
Kaynak: Exothermic reaction
The energy change can be regarded as being made of three parts, the endothermic breaking of bonds within the solute and within the solvent
Kaynak: Enthalpy change of solution
Ridges in the nasal cavity of Glanosuchus suggest it had an at least partially endothermic metabolism similar to modern mammals.
Kaynak: Glanosuchus
Because of its high endothermic heat of formation , it can explode to carbon powder and nitrogen gas, and it burns in oxygen with a bright
Kaynak: Dicyanoacetylene
although these animals are fully endothermic and in some cases very active. Other studies conclude that nasal passages of these dinosaurs
Kaynak: Physiology of dinosaurs
It is used in instant cold pack s, as hydrating the salt is an endothermic process. Fertilizer: Ammonium nitrate is an important fertilizer
Kaynak: Ammonium nitrate
The reaction is extremely endothermic . The reactants react in a Platinum-covered pipe at approximately 1400°C. The reaction mixture
Kaynak: BMA process

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