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enormous ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

İngilizce - Türkçe

enormous anlamı
1) büyük
2) muazzam
3) kocaman
4) koskocaman
5) dağ gibi
6) azman

"enormous" için örnek kullanımlar

Lahm has claimed the difference between Arsenal and his team is "enormous".
Lahm Arsenal ve ekibi arasındaki fark "muazzam" olduğunu iddia etti.
Kaynak: tribalfootball.com
Jackie Chan thinks China's enormous police apparatus isn't invasive enough.
Jackie Chan Çin'in devasa polis teşkilatlarında yeterli invaziv olmadığını düşünüyor.
Kaynak: qz.com
Oscars 2013: Jim Carrey wears enormous feet to Elton John's party.
Oscar 2013: Jim Carrey, Elton John'un partisine muazzam ayak giyer.
Kaynak: heatworld.com
Interesting article on the enormous changes sweeping rural China.
Çin'in kırsal süpürme muazzam değişiklikler üzerinde ilginç bir makale.
Kaynak: forexlive.com
The Enormous Crocodile is a children's story by Roald Dahl . Synopsis: One day an enormous crocodile goes tramping through the forest telling
Kaynak: The Enormous Crocodile
Chrysomeloidea is an enormous superfamily of beetle s. There are tens of thousands of species, mostly in the families Cerambycidae (the
Kaynak: Chrysomeloidea
A zamindar or zemindar on the Indian subcontinent was an aristocrat , typically hereditary , who held enormous tracts of land and held
Kaynak: Zamindar
Teotihuacan (ˈtɛɔˌtiwɑˈkɑn | pron also written Teotihuacán, is an enormous archaeological site in the Basin of Mexico , 30 | mi | km
Kaynak: Teotihuacan
The Patrologia Latina is an enormous collection of the writings of the Church Fathers and other ecclesiastical writers published by
Kaynak: Patrologia Latina
Japanese martial arts is the enormous variety of martial arts native to Japan . At least three Japanese terms are often used
Kaynak: Japanese martial arts
The arts of ancient Greece have exercised an enormous influence on the culture of many countries all over the world, particularly in the
Kaynak: Ancient Greek art
Arcology, combining "architecture " and "ecology is a set of architectural design principles aimed toward the design of enormous habitats
Kaynak: Arcology
The enormous, city block -sized building is located at 890 Fifth Avenue , Manhattan , New York City . Creative origin: According to Stan Lee
Kaynak: Avengers Mansion
Pottery was produced in enormous quantities in ancient Rome , mostly for utilitarian purposes. It is found all over the former Roman
Kaynak: Ancient Roman pottery

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