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entity ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

İngilizce - Türkçe

entity anlamı
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2) varoluş
3) öz
4) tüzellik

"entity" için örnek kullanımlar

An alien entity was captured in the photograph of a government worker.
Bir uzaylı varlık bir hükümet işçinin fotoğrafını yakalandı.
Kaynak: agoracosmopolitan.com
Outlawed entity: US designates commander Nazir group terrorists.
Yasak varlık: ABD komutanı Nazir grup terörist atar.
Kaynak: tribune.com.pk
Fitch gives new QBE reinsurance entity A+ rating.
Fitch yeni QBE reasürans varlık A + rating verir.
Kaynak: insuranceinsider.com
Darclight Films has secured a U.S. distribution deal for Entity with Brainstorm Media and Fangoria.
Darclight Filmler Brainstorm Medya ve Fangoria ile varlık için bir ABD dağıtım anlaşması sağladı.
Kaynak: shocktillyoudrop.com
An entity is something that exists by itself, although it need not be of material existence. legal fiction s are usually regarded as entities.
Kaynak: Entity
Legal personality (also artificial personality, juridical personality, legal entity and juristic personality) is the characteristic of a
Kaynak: Legal personality
An administrative division, subnational entity, geopolitical division, or country subdivision is a portion of a country or other political
Kaynak: Administrative division
of characters called a character reference, of which there are two types: a numeric character reference and a character entity reference .
Kaynak: List of XML and HTML character entity references
A business entity is a commercial, corporate and/or other institution that is formed and administered as per commercial law in order to
Kaynak: Types of business entity
Named-entity recognition (NER) (also known as entity identification and entity extraction) is a subtask of information extraction that
Kaynak: Named-entity recognition
Table of appearances: Unnamed entity | | | | | | | | Time Beetle | | | | | | | | Shadow Proclamation humanoids
Kaynak: List of Doctor Who universe creatures and aliens
In the Standard Generalized Markup Language (SGML), an entity is a primitive data type , which associates a string with either a unique
Kaynak: SGML entity
The entity interfaces with the ship's main computer, and suddenly the Enterprise jumps into warp at maximum speed on an uncontrolled
Kaynak: Day of the Dove

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