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epergne ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

İngilizce - Türkçe

epergne anlamı
1) sofra ortasına konulan süslü kâse

"epergne" için örnek kullanımlar

In 1866 the British government presented them with a silver epergne in recognition of their benevolent efforts. Anthony, who was unmarried
Kaynak: John Anthony Galignani
on his mayoral chain for Preston, the epergne for Queen Victoria, the figurines of Victory (a statuette designed for the orb in the hand
Kaynak: Alfred Gilbert
jpg | Saint-Flour Cathedral File:Old caisse d' epergne. jpg | tourist office File:Saint Flour-Ville haute. jpg | The upper city
Kaynak: Saint-Flour, Cantal
In 1792 he was presented with a silver epergne for speaking in favour of the slave trade to a parliamentary committee. He continued to be
Kaynak: James Penny
(A silver epergne presented by the Officers of the Education Department is now in the care of Rev Moorie Robinson.) All references to James
Kaynak: James Henry Pope
The monumental silver and parcel-gilt "Neptune" epergne made for Furber as part of this service was displayed at the Philadelphia
Kaynak: Gorham Manufacturing Company
that they presented him with a handsome silver epergne and dish After several years on the beach, in October 1776 he was appointed to the
Kaynak: Sir Joshua Rowley, 1st Baronet
who presented him in 1889 with a fine silver epergne, and again in 1899, on his retirement from the mayoralty, with an address and a
Kaynak: Charles Louisson

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