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establishment ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

İngilizce - Türkçe

establishment anlamı
1) kuruluş
2) kurma
3) kurum
4) şirket
5) kadro
6) birlik
7) resmi kilise

"establishment" için örnek kullanımlar

Statement by Commissioner Potočnik on the establishment of a UN Environment Assembly.
BM Çevre Meclisi kurulması Komiser Potočnik yaptığı açıklama.
Kaynak: europa.eu
Aloysius Suwardi: A composer against the establishment.
Aloysius Suwardi: kurulmasına karşı bir besteci.
Kaynak: thejakartapost.com
KMFDM still raise eyebrows, rock establishment.
KMFDM hala kaya kurulması kaşları yükseltmek.
Kaynak: psdispatch.com
The church considers itself within the tradition of Western Christianity and dates its formal establishment principally to the mission
Kaynak: Church of England
chairman of the Jewish Agency for Palestine declared the establishment of a Jewish state in Eretz-Israel , to be known as the State of Israel
Kaynak: Israeli Declaration of Independence
An anti-establishment view or belief is one which stands in opposition to the conventional social, political, and economic principles of a
Kaynak: Anti-establishment
to draft a constitution in 1906, the establishment of provincial legislatures in 1909 and the preparation for a national parliament in 1910.
Kaynak: History of the Republic of China
end of the rule of the Muhammad Ali Dynasty , establishment of the Republic of Egypt , end of the British occupation of Egypt, and the
Kaynak: Egyptian Revolution of 1952

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