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esteem ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

İngilizce - Türkçe

esteem anlamı
1) saygı
2) itibar
3) saygınlık
4) rağbet
5) sanı
6) kanı
1) saygı duymak
2) takdir etmek
3) değer vermek
4) addetmek
5) kanısında olmak
6) inanmak

"esteem" için örnek kullanımlar

Someone who is respected has a higher self esteem and a sense of belonging.
Saygı Birisi yüksek bir benlik saygısı ve bir aidiyet duygusu vardır.
Kaynak: selmatimesjournal.com
A group of artists have created a "magic" mirror that raises your self esteem.
Bir grup sanatçı benlik saygısı yükselten bir "sihirli" ayna oluşturduk.
Kaynak: news.com.au
He said Donohue was quiet and reserved, but held in high esteem by his teammates.
O Donohue sessiz ve ayrılmış olduğunu söyledi, ama onun takım arkadaşları tarafından yüksek itibara sahip.
Kaynak: sun-sentinel.com
Now his self esteem has disappeared." She opened a P.O. box, figuring she'd get a fe
Şimdi onun benlik saygısı kayboldu. "O bir fe alırdım sergiyi, bir posta kutusu açtı
Kaynak: ca.news.yahoo.com
Self-esteem is a term used in psychology to reflect a person 's overall emotional evaluation of his or her own worth. It is a judgement
Kaynak: Self-esteem
Implicit self-esteem refers to a person's disposition to evaluate themselves in a spontaneous, automatic, or unconscious manner.
Kaynak: Implicit self-esteem
Contingent self-esteem (CSE) is self-esteem based on the approval of others or on social comparisons . shape one's self-esteem when the
Kaynak: Contingent self-esteem
Self-esteem can be defined as how favorably individuals evaluate themselves. (Baumeister, 2008 Accoding to Leary (1999), self-esteem is the
Kaynak: Self-esteem functions
Collective self-esteem is a concept originating in the field of psychology that describes the aspect of an individual's self-image that
Kaynak: Collective self-esteem
"Parity of esteem" is a phrase used in political philosophy to explain a theory to overcome inter-communal conflict. "parity of esteem" "
Kaynak: Parity of esteem
The Rosenberg self-esteem scale (RSES), developed by sociologist Dr. Morris Rosenberg is a self-esteem measure widely used in social-
Kaynak: Rosenberg self-esteem scale
The Psychology of Self-Esteem is a book by Nathaniel Branden , first published in 1969. human psychology , focusing on the role of self-esteem .
Kaynak: The Psychology of Self-Esteem
The Economy of Esteem is a book by Geoffrey Brennan and Philip Pettit describing the role of self-esteem and honour in the economy .
Kaynak: The Economy of Esteem
Relationship contingent self-esteem (RCSE) is a type of self-esteem that derives from the outcomes, process, and nature of one's romantic
Kaynak: Relationship-contingent self-esteem
Self-esteem stability refers to immediate feelings of self-esteem which, generally, will not be influenced by everyday positive or
Kaynak: Self-esteem instability

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