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estimable ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

İngilizce - Türkçe

estimable anlamı
1) değerli
2) saygıdeğer
3) muhterem
4) değeri kestirilebilir

"estimable" için örnek kullanımlar

In right field, the estimable Torii Hunter takes over from a mix of outfielders.
Sağ alanda, değerli Torii Hunter outfielders bir karışımı teslim alır.
Kaynak: detroit.tigers.mlb.com
In a society as ours, strong social bonds are deemed estimable.
Bizimki gibi bir toplumda, güçlü sosyal bağların değerli sayılır.
Kaynak: nation.lk
Wines are sourced from estimable wine bar/eaterie Brawn.
Şaraplar değerli şarap bar / eaterie Brawn kaynaklı vardır.
Kaynak: now-here-this.timeout.com
And let us not forget the late, estimable Bobby Keays.
Ve bize geç, değerli Bobby Keays unutmayalım.
Kaynak: fosters.com
The ability to estimate a loss is described as known, reasonably estimable, or not reasonably estimable. Examples. outstanding lawsuits
Kaynak: Contingent liability
him "boxing's greatest amateur" as well as a "major factor in the re-establishment of boxing as a legal and, at that time, estimable sport."
Kaynak: Anthony Joseph Drexel Biddle, Sr.
time been able to get at least some idea about the next year on stage, and not only the brand-name productions, via the estimable nytheatre.
Kaynak: Nytheatre.com
raided the pop-cult pantheon and managed the estimable feat of breathing new life into the theme of adulation and emulation in a fame-happy era."
Kaynak: Bill Henderson (novelist)
The Almon lag assumes that k+1 lag weights are related to n+1 linearly estimable underlying parameters (n j according to: w_i sum_j 0^n a
Kaynak: Distributed lag
Little is known of his life - D'Alembert thought him "most estimable for the probity that made his administration happy" and that
Kaynak: Jean-François de Chamillart
The death of Sir Wilfrid is universally regretted and indeed not without reason: as he was an estimable character, possessing hospitality
Kaynak: Sir Wilfrid Lawson, 10th Baronet
Genealogical Society , the nation's oldest, and the stationery on which she sent out her status reports bore the estimable Society's letterhead
Kaynak: Emily Wilder Leavitt
became practically the sole arbiter and election was the greatest honour he could confer on those he considered both estimable and entertaining.
Kaynak: The Other Club
Celui qui peint des animaux vivants est plus estimable que ceux qui ne représentent que des choses mortes & sans mouvement ; & comme la
Kaynak: Hierarchy of genres
Celui qui peint des animaux vivants est plus estimable que ceux qui ne représentent que des choses mortes & sans mouvement ; & comme la
Kaynak: History painting
The estimable Joe Meek produced both singles by the Blueberries ; "Little Baby" is their first release. Jimmy Page is rumored to have
Kaynak: English Freakbeat, Volume 2
There may also exist other state parameters that are hardly or not at all observable (estimable) if too small samples of data are
Kaynak: Fast Kalman filter

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