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eventful ne demek?

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eventful anlamı
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2) maceralı
3) önemli
4) ciddi

"eventful" için örnek kullanımlar

He had an eventful summer when he was named the NHL's youngest captain.
O NHL en genç kaptanı seçildi zaman o olaylı bir yaz geçirdim.
Kaynak: usatoday.com
Nine years in, J.R. Smith's career has been as eventful as NBA careers come.
NBA kariyer gelir olarak dokuz yıl, JR Smith'in kariyeri olaylı gibi olmuştur.
Kaynak: bleacherreport.com
This eventful over was the 12th of South Zone innings when they batted first.
Onlar ilk batted zaman içinde bu olaylı Güney Bölgesi vuruştan 12. oldu.
Kaynak: thatscricket.com
This year's event will most likely be just as eventful as last years.
Bu yılki etkinlik, büyük olasılıkla sadece geçen yıl gibi olaylı gibi olacaktır.
Kaynak: slashgear.com
was the Tsar of Russia during some of the most eventful decades of the mid-17th century. On the eve of his death in 1676, the Tsardom of
Kaynak: Alexis of Russia
The Soviet city of Taganrog, now part of the Rostov Oblast of the Russian Federation , had an eventful history during World War II, from
Kaynak: Taganrog during World War II
Uruguayan literature has a long and eventful history. Beginnings: Literature properly speaking starts in Uruguay with the country-flavoured
Kaynak: Uruguayan literature
The theatre of France has a long and eventful history dating back to the Middle Ages. Historic overview Middle Age: Discussions about the
Kaynak: Theatre of France
The military history of Australia during the Korean War was very eventful. Japan's defeat in World War II heralded the end to 35 years of
Kaynak: Australia in the Korean War
As a result of its eventful geological history, Great Britain shows a rich variety of landscape s across the constituent countries of
Kaynak: Geology of Great Britain
Albanian art has a long and eventful history. Albania , a country of southeastern Europe, has a unique culture from that of other European
Kaynak: Albanian art
The Business of Strangers is a 2001 film that tells the story of an eventful night shared between a middle-aged businesswoman and her young
Kaynak: The Business of Strangers
Amsterdam has a long and eventful history. The origins of the city lie in the 13th century, when fisherman living along the banks of the
Kaynak: History of Amsterdam
Megillat Taanit (Hebrew : מגילת תענית) is chronicle which enumerates 35 eventful days on which the Jewish nation either performed glorious
Kaynak: Megillat Taanit
Lao art has a long and eventful history. Ceramics: Lao ceramics. Lao ceramics were first uncovered in 1970 at a construction site at kilometer
Kaynak: Lao art
Venezuelan art has a long and eventful history. Venezuela 's museums and galleries are well on the way to forming a new discourse in
Kaynak: Venezuelan art
Pothos Argyros (also Argyrus; Potone Argiro) was the catepan of Italy during the eventful years of 1029 to 1031. Pothos replaced
Kaynak: Pothos Argyros (11th century)
The eventful life of Swami Vivekananda has been depicted in this drama. Synopsis: date February 2013 The drama attempts to cover the whole life
Kaynak: Bireswar

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