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evolutionism ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

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evolutionism anlamı
1) evrimcilik

"evolutionism" için örnek kullanımlar

However towards the end of the 19th century and in the early 1900s social evolutionism was displaced by diffusionism.
Ancak 19. yüzyılın sonlarına doğru ve 1900'lerin başında sosyal evrimcilik diffusionism tarafından yerinden edildi.
Kaynak: fijitimes.com
Cultural evolutionism attempts to describe and explain long-term date April 2011 change in human sociology , insofar as those ways are
Kaynak: Cultural evolutionism
Sociocultural evolutionism and the idea of progress: Unilineal evolution. While sociocultural evolutionists agree that an evolution-like
Kaynak: Sociocultural evolution
evolution of societies by drawing on Charles Darwin 's theory of evolution and discarding some dogmas of the previous social evolutionism .
Kaynak: Neoevolutionism
When critique of classical social evolutionism became widely accepted, modern anthropological and sociological approaches have changed to
Kaynak: Multilineal evolution
Further reading : Did he recant evolutionism when he died? - ChristianAnswers. Net | work | accessdate 2010-05-04 ". authorlink Ken Ham | last
Kaynak: Objections to evolution
The Creationists: From Scientific Creationism to Intelligent Design is a history of the origins of anti-evolutionism , first published in
Kaynak: The Creationists
a beard, and when he reappeared in public in 1866 caricatures of him as an ape helped to identify all forms of evolutionism with Darwinism
Kaynak: Charles Darwin
and George Eliot His concept of sociologie and social evolutionism , though now outdated, set the tone for early social theorist s and
Kaynak: Auguste Comte
Tylor is representative of cultural evolutionism . In his works Primitive Culture and Anthropology, he defined the context of the
Kaynak: Edward Burnett Tylor
The teleology of modernization is described in social evolutionism theories, existing as a template that has been generally followed by
Kaynak: Modernization
Originating in the late nineteenth century as cultural evolutionism began to fall out of favor with many antiquarians and archaeologists
Kaynak: Culture-historical archaeology
Unlike the theory of social evolutionism , which views the evolution of society and human history as progressing in some new, unique
Kaynak: Social cycle theory

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