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extent ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

İngilizce - Türkçe

extent anlamı
1) derece
2) kapsam
3) ölçü
4) boyut
5) uzunluk
6) genişlik
7) alan
8) yükseklik

"extent" için örnek kullanımlar

ICE iPhone seizure shows extent of government's data retrieval abilities.
ICE iPhone nöbet hükümetin veri alma yeteneklerini ortaya koyacaktır.
Kaynak: appleinsider.com
EU begins campaign to uncover extent of branding fraud with horse meat.
AB at eti ile markalaşma dolandırıcılık ölçüde ortaya çıkarmak için kampanya başlatır.
Kaynak: en.mercopress.com
The two artists have to a great extent succeeded in breaking the mould.
Iki sanatçı kalıp kırmayı başardı büyük ölçüde var.
Kaynak: thehindu.com
CRIME: Full extent of debit card skimming scam in Fort Erie still not known.
SUÇ: Fort Erie bankamatik kartı kaymağını dolandırıcılık tam ölçüde halen bilinmemektedir.
Kaynak: bulletnewsniagara.ca
Scope and extent: Free variables and bound variables. while the extent (or lifetime) describes when in a program's execution a variable has a
Kaynak: Variable (computer science)
An extent is a contiguous area of storage in a computer file system , reserved for a file. system management software allocates a whole extent.
Kaynak: Extent (file systems)
extent. Design: Image:LVM1. svg | Linux Logical Volume Manager (LVM) v1 Most volume-manager implementations share the same basic design.
Kaynak: Logical volume management
Modern records include data about ice extent, ice area, concentration, thickness and the age of the ice. The trends in the records show a
Kaynak: Measurement of sea ice
A map extent is the portion of area of a region show in a map . The limits of a map extent are defined in the coordinate system of the
Kaynak: Map extent
In physical chemistry , the extent of reaction is a quantity that measures the extent in which the reaction proceeds. It is usually
Kaynak: Extent of reaction
where N i is the number of molecule s of i, and ξ is the progress variable or extent of reaction (Prigogine & Defay, p.  18; Prigogine, pp
Kaynak: Stoichiometry
Wildlife and environmental groups accused BP of holding back information about the extent and impact of the growing slick, and urged the
Kaynak: Volume and extent of the Deepwater Horizon oil spill
Depending on the definition of its extent, Manchuria usually falls entirely within the People's Republic of China , or is sometimes
Kaynak: Manchuria
A drainage basin is an extent or an area of land where surface water from rain and melting snow or ice converges to a single point,
Kaynak: Drainage basin
Area is a quantity that expresses the extent of a two-dimensional surface or shape , or planar lamina , in the plane . Area can be
Kaynak: Area
Obesity is a medical condition in which excess body fat has accumulated to the extent that it may have an adverse effect on health,
Kaynak: Obesity

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