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fascicle ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

İngilizce - Türkçe

fascicle anlamı
1) salkım
2) fasikül
3) demet
4) evrak destesi

"fascicle" için örnek kullanımlar

A fascicle is a bundle or a cluster . The Latin term fasciculus (plural fasciculi) may also be used with the same meanings. Fascicle or
Kaynak: Fascicle
In botany , a fascicle (in some cases called a short shoot when that is morphologically appropriate) is a bundle of leaves or flowers, or
Kaynak: Fascicle (botany)
In anatomy , a fascicle is a bundle of skeletal muscle fibers surrounded by perimysium , a type of connective tissue . fascicles, also
Kaynak: Muscle fascicle
Name Nerve fascicle | Latin | GraySubject 183 | GrayPage 728 | Image Gray636. png | Caption Transverse section of human tibial nerve . |
Kaynak: Nerve fascicle
The superior longitudinal fasciculus (also called the superior longitudinal fascicle or SLF) is a pair of long bi-directional bundles of
Kaynak: Superior longitudinal fasciculus
The axons are bundled together into groups called fascicles, and each fascicle is wrapped in a layer of connective tissue called the
Kaynak: Nerve
Sethe's contribution to Urkunden IV, 16 fascicle s at 1226 pages of handwritten hieroglyphic texts, is the longest part in the Urkunden
Kaynak: Urkunden der 18. Dynastie
a spinal cord nerve fiber These are bundled up into groups called nerve fascicle s, which have a protective sheath called a perineurium .
Kaynak: Endoneurium
A left posterior fascicular block (LPFB) is a condition where the left posterior fascicle, i.e. the backside part of the left cardiac
Kaynak: Left posterior fascicular block
"Forest of Gems in the Garden of the Dharma "), in 100 juan (卷 "volume", "fascicle"), is a Buddhist encyclopedia compiled AD 668 by Dao
Kaynak: Fayuan Zhulin
The work is currently being published in fascicles : The first fascicle (general introduction and The Five Megilloth , part 18) was
Kaynak: Biblia Hebraica Quinta
The 7-fascicle edition has 12 headings (mon 門 ), which the 20-fascicle version reduces to 9. These 12 semantic headings are clearly
Kaynak: Jikyōshū

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