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fascist ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

İngilizce - Türkçe

fascist anlamı
1) faşist
1) faşist
2) despot

"fascist" için örnek kullanımlar

It reminds me of today's fascist medicinal allopathictreatmentsfor cancer.
Bugünkü faşist tıbbi allopathictreatmentsfor kanser hatırlatıyor.
Kaynak: whtc.com
They're too closely related to the Democrats and their Fascist social safety net.
Onlar çok yakından Demokratlar ve onların faşist sosyal güvenlik ağı ile ilgili konum.
Kaynak: mediaite.com
The formula to appoint Chief Justice as the government head is an autocratic and a fascist decision.
Hükümet başkanı olarak Başyargıç atama formülü otokratik ve faşist bir karardır.
Kaynak: telegraphnepal.com
In a war of words, Mr Maduro has called Mr Capriles a miserable fascist and a buddy of US "imperialists."
Kelimelerin savaş, Bay Maduro Bay sefil bir faşist ve ABD'nin bir dostum Capriles çağırdı "emperyalistlerin."
Kaynak: irishtimes.com
Italian Fascism, also known simply as Fascism (Italian : Fascismo), is the original fascist ideology, as developed in Italy .
Kaynak: Italian Fascism
The term neo-fascist may apply to groups that express a specific admiration for Benito Mussolini and Italian Fascism or any other
Kaynak: Neo-fascism
Fascist architecture is a style of architecture developed by architects of fascist societies in the early 20th century. with fascist
Kaynak: Fascist architecture
The word fascist is sometimes used to denigrate people, institutions, or groups that would not describe themselves as ideologically fascist
Kaynak: Fascist (insult)
The Albanian Fascist Party. (Partia Fashiste e Shqipërisë. PFSh) was a fascist movement which held nominal power in Albania from 1939, when
Kaynak: Albanian Fascist Party
The Sammarinese Fascist Party or Partito Fascista Sammarinese (PFS) was a fascist political party that ruled San Marino from 1923 to 1943
Kaynak: Sammarinese Fascist Party
The economics of fascism refers to the economic policies implemented by fascist governments. whether a specifically fascist type of economic
Kaynak: Economics of fascism
Brazilian Integralism (Integralismo brasileiro) was a fascist political movement in Brazil , created on October 1932. Founded and led by
Kaynak: Brazilian Integralism
and declared "The Falange does not consider itself fascist; its founder said so personally After this announcement, the practice in the
Kaynak: Nationalist faction (Spanish Civil War)

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