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fennec ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

İngilizce - Türkçe

fennec anlamı
1) çöl tilkisi

"fennec" için örnek kullanımlar

Eurocopter's Fennec helicopter participated in the trial in 2010.
Eurocopter adlı Fennec helikopter 2010 yılında deneme katıldı.
Kaynak: deccanherald.com
Eurocopter's AS 350 Fennec and Russian Kamov 226 had been shortlisted for the tender.
350 Fennec ve Rus Kamov 226 ihale için aday olmuştu AS Eurocopter bulunuyor.
Kaynak: hindustantimes.com
Behold the baby fennec fox in his terrible cuteness.
Onun korkunç zekâ içinde bebek rezene tilki Hani.
Kaynak: en.rocketnews24.com
It then became a fennec, a type of winter fox.
Daha sonra bir çöl tilkisi, kış tilki bir tür haline geldi.
Kaynak: readwrite.com
The fennec fox or fennec (Vulpes zerda) is a small nocturnal fox found in the Sahara of North Africa . Its most distinctive feature is
Kaynak: Fennec fox
The Fennek, named after the fennec (a species of small desert fox ), or LGS Fennek, with LGS being short for Leichter Gepanzerter
Kaynak: Fennek
They vary in size from the fennec fox at 24 | cm | in | abbr on long, to the gray wolf , which may be up to 2 | m | ft | abbr on long,
Kaynak: Canidae
For example, the fennec fox (and other species of fox adapted to life in the desert, such as the kit fox ) has large ears and short fur,
Kaynak: Fox

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