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ferocious ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

İngilizce - Türkçe

ferocious anlamı
1) vahşi
2) yırtıcı
3) acımasız
4) şiddetli
5) gaddar
6) aşırı

"ferocious" için örnek kullanımlar

As the heiress to the a hotel empire, she's not known for her ferocious nature.
Bir otel imparatorluk varisi olarak, onun vahşi doğa için bilinmemektedir.
Kaynak: dailymail.co.uk
NASA satellite photo shows giant, ferocious winter storm hitting the East Coast.
NASA uydu fotoğrafı East Coast isabet devi, acımasız kış fırtına gösterir.
Kaynak: imaging-resource.com
THREE men have been jailed for their part in a 'ferocious' street fight in Weymouth.
ÜÇ erkekler Weymouth bir 'vahşi' sokak kavgasında kendi bölümü için hapse atıldı.
Kaynak: dorsetecho.co.uk
Billy Donovan, Florida's ferocious and efficient defense, and why the Gators might win it all.
Billy Donovan, Florida vahşi ve etkili savunma ve neden Gators hepsini kazanmak olabilir.
Kaynak: alligatorarmy.com
Feroxodon multistriatus, known as the manystriped blowfish, manystriped pufferfish or ferocious pufferfish is a species of pufferfish in
Kaynak: Feroxodon multistriatus
Bhavani is a ferocious aspect of the Hindu goddess Parvati . Bhavani means "giver of life", the power of nature or the source of creative
Kaynak: Bhavani
Matangi is one of the Mahavidya s, ten Tantric goddesses and a ferocious aspect of Devi , the Hindu Divine Mother. She is considered as
Kaynak: Matangi
In Hinduism the Kalakeyas or Kalakanjas were a powerful, ferocious and cruel clan of Danavas . Kalaka and Puloma : The Kalakeyas were the
Kaynak: Kalakeyas
Neoclinus blanchardi, is a ferocious fish which has a large mouth and aggressive territorial behaviour. When two fringeheads have a
Kaynak: Sarcastic fringehead
In the folklore of Northumbria , the Sockburn Worm was a ferocious wyvern that laid waste to the village of Sockburn in Durham .
Kaynak: Sockburn Worm
Mngwa (the strange one) or Nunda is a gigantic, ferocious, gray feline , said to stalk the East Africa n country of Tanzania .
Kaynak: Mngwa

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