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firing ne demek?

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İngilizce - Türkçe

firing anlamı
1) ateşleme
2) atış
3) ateş etme
4) yakma
5) işten çıkarma
6) kovma
7) işten kovma
8) yakacak

"firing" için örnek kullanımlar

Police seek Tuscaloosa man suspected of firing shots at Alberta home.
Polis Alberta evde el ateş ettiğinden şüphelenilen Tuscaloosa adam arıyorlar.
Kaynak: blog.al.com
The Saudi regime considers replacing beheading with firing squads for execution.
Suudi rejimi idam mangaları ateş ile kafa kesme yerine düşünmektedir.
Kaynak: presstv.ir
Mayor Vinny Mosca's firing of Harahan's regulatory director was upheld Monday by t
Harahan düzenleyici direktörü Başkanı Vinny Mosca kovulması t tarafından Pazartesi onanmıştır
Kaynak: nola.com
Two people accused of firing guns Saturday in an orchard north of Ivanhoe were arrested.
Ivanhoe bir bahçesi kuzeyinde silah Cumartesi ateş suçlanan iki kişi tutuklandı.
Kaynak: visaliatimesdelta.com
Dismissal (referred to informally as firing or sacking) is the termination of employment by an employer against the will of the employee
Kaynak: Dismissal (employment)
Burnish ing: The surface of pottery wares may be burnished prior to firing by rubbing with a suitable instrument of wood, steel or stone to
Kaynak: Pottery
A shooting range or firing range is a specialized facility designed for firearms practice. Each facility is typically overseen by one or
Kaynak: Shooting range
In the middle, the brick workers create a firing zone by dropping fuel (coal, wood , oil, debris, and so on) through access holes in the
Kaynak: Brick
Although modern kilns often have sophisticated electrical systems to control the firing temperatures, pyrometric device s are also
Kaynak: Kiln
Fire not intended to attack the enemy, such as negligent or malicious discharge, or deliberate firing on one's own troops for
Kaynak: Friendly fire
The basic requirement is that the membrane voltage at the hillock be raised above the threshold for firing. There are several ways in
Kaynak: Action potential
Pit firing is the oldest known method for the firing of pottery . BCE Kilns have since replaced pit firing as the most widespread method
Kaynak: Pit fired pottery
Firing most commonly refers to the involuntary termination of employment . Firing may also refer to: Operation : for example firing the shutter
Kaynak: Firing (disambiguation)
Bork wrote the letter firing Cox Initially, the White House claimed to have fired Ruckelshaus, but as The Washington Post article written
Kaynak: Saturday Night Massacre
Execution by firing squad, sometimes called fusillading (from the French fusil, rifle ), is a method of capital punishment , particularly
Kaynak: Execution by firing squad
A firing pin or striker is part of the firing mechanism used in a firearm or explosive device e.g. an M14 landmine or bomb fuze .
Kaynak: Firing pin
A quick-firing gun (in U.S. parlance, 'rapid-firing') is an artillery piece, typically a gun or howitzer , which has several
Kaynak: Quick-firing gun
The firing order is the sequence of power delivery of each cylinder in a multi-cylinder reciprocating engine . This is achieved by sparking
Kaynak: Firing order

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