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firkin ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

İngilizce - Türkçe

firkin anlamı
1) küçük fıçı

"firkin" için örnek kullanımlar

The Goose & Firkin pub is down an ATM after being the target of theft on Saturday.
Goose & Firkin pub aşağı Cumartesi günü hırsızlık hedefi olmaktan sonra bir ATM bulunmaktadır.
Kaynak: metronews.ca
This year for the first time, Bushwakker will tap a firkin of Irish coffee porter.
Bu yıl ilk kez, Bushwakker İrlandalı kahve porter bir fıçı dokunun olacaktır.
Kaynak: leaderpost.com
I wasn't sure if I should edit out the word "firkin" or not.
Ben kelime "fıçı" ya da düzenlemeye gerekiyorsa ben emin değildi.
Kaynak: somerville.patch.com
med puben ved Kew Gardens Station heter Flower & Firkin.
med puben Kew Gardens Station heter Çiçek & Firkin ved.
Kaynak: vg.no
Firkin: The ale or beer firkin (from Middle Dutch vierdekijn meaning "fourth") is a quarter of an ale or beer barrel or half a kilderkin.
Kaynak: English brewery cask units
The Furlong/Firkin/Fortnight (FFF) system is a humorous system of units based on outdated or impractical measurements. mass of a firkin of
Kaynak: FFF system
Another name for the unit was the firkin, a name which it shared with the much smaller beer firkin. Firkin? | reason reliable source? |
Kaynak: English wine cask units
Examples of a cooper's work include but are not limited to cask s, barrel s, bucket s, tubs, butter churns, hogshead s, firkin s, tierce s
Kaynak: Cooper (profession)

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