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firstborn ne demek?

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firstborn anlamı
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"firstborn" için örnek kullanımlar

You'd have thought she had called for the sacrifice of everyone's firstborn.
Sence herkesin ilk doğan kurban için aramıştı sanırdım.
Kaynak: cjonline.com
The firstborn and last are the natural targets for such affection.
Firstborn ve son tür sevgi için doğal hedeflerdir.
Kaynak: suffolknewsherald.com
Home · Life & Entertainment; Random Thoughts | Milestone for firstborn not old hat.
Anasayfa · Yaşam ve Eğlence; Rastgele Düşünceler | firstborn eski değil şapka Milestone.
Kaynak: dispatch.com
Her grandson William's firstborn child, regardless of gender, will eventually reign.
Cinsiyetine bakılmaksızın Torunu William ilk doğan çocuğun, sonuçta egemenlik sürecek.
Kaynak: tv.msnbc.com
Primogeniture is the right, by law or custom, of the firstborn son to inherit the entire estate , to the exclusion of younger siblings
Kaynak: Primogeniture
The firstborn or firstborn son (Hebrew bechor בְּכוֹר) is an important concept of the Hebrew Bible and Rabbinic Judaism . of firstborn son
Kaynak: Firstborn (Judaism)
The pidyon haben, (פדיון הבן) or redemption of the first born son is a mitzvah in Judaism whereby a Jewish firstborn son is redeemed by
Kaynak: Pidyon haben
The Torah additionally cites God's sparing of the Israelite firstborn as a rationale for the commandment of the redemption of the
Kaynak: Plagues of Egypt

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