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foam ne demek?

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"foam" için örnek kullanımlar

Ok, I have been reading alot about how great spray foam is for insulation.
Tamam, büyük bir sprey köpük yalıtım için ne kadar hakkında çok şey okudum.
Kaynak: sprayfoam.com
was inspired by the product it makes: EPS, or expanded polystyrene foam.
EPS ya da genişletilmiş polistiren köpük: yapar ürünün esinlenilmiştir.
Kaynak: grbj.com
Heavy foam appeared on top of the waters of Winter's Run 50 years ago this week.
Ağır köpük 50 yıl önce Kış Run suların üstünde bu hafta ortaya çıktı.
Kaynak: baltimoresun.com
The candidate will be spraying open and closed cell foam and thermal barrier coatings.
Aday açık ve kapalı hücreli köpük ve termal bariyer kaplamalar püskürtme olacaktır.
Kaynak: sprayfoam.com
A foam is a substance that is formed by trapping pockets of gas in a liquid or solid . and the head on a glass of beer are examples of foams.
Kaynak: Foam
Fire-fighting foam is a foam used for fire suppression . Its role is to cool the fire and to coat the fuel, preventing its contact with
Kaynak: Fire fighting foam
Polyurethanes are used in the manufacture of flexible, high-resilience foam seating; rigid foam insulation panels; microcellular foam seal
Kaynak: Polyurethane
Foam rubber refers to rubber that has been manufactured with a foaming agent to create an air-filled matrix structure. Commercial foam
Kaynak: Foam rubber
Polymeric foam may refer to: Polyurethane foam. Polyvinyl chloride foam. Styrofoam Polyimide foam Silicone foam See also : ultralight material
Kaynak: Polymeric foam
Quantum foam (also referred to as space time foam) is a concept in quantum mechanics devised by John Wheeler in 1955. The foam is
Kaynak: Quantum foam
Shaving cream or shaving foam is applied to the face, or wherever else hair grows, to provide lubrication and avoid razor burn during
Kaynak: Shaving cream
The use of foam in cuisine has been used in many forms in the history of cooking. example, whipped cream , meringue , and mousse are all foams.
Kaynak: Foam (culinary)
(not extruded) polystyrene foam, such as disposable coffee cups, coolers, or cushioning material in packaging, which are typically white
Kaynak: Styrofoam
A bubble bath is a filled bathtub with a layer of surfactant foam on the surface of the water and consequently also the surfactant
Kaynak: Bubble bath
The ET thermal protection system consists primarily of spray-on foam insulation (SOFI), plus preformed foam pieces and premolded ablator
Kaynak: Space Shuttle external tank
substances that work by physical action, such as cooling the fuels; examples of these include fire-fighting foam s and fire-retardant gel s.
Kaynak: Fire retardant
Beer head (also head or Kräusen) is the froth y foam on top of beer which is produced by bubbles of gas, typically carbon dioxide ,
Kaynak: Beer head
A metal foam is a cellular structure consisting of a solid metal , frequently aluminium , containing a large volume fraction of gas-filled
Kaynak: Metal foam
Sea foam, ocean foam, beach foam, or spume is a type of foam created by the agitation of seawater , particularly when it contains higher
Kaynak: Sea foam
Memory foam is polyurethane with additional chemicals increasing its viscosity and density . polyurethane foam, or low-resilience
Kaynak: Memory foam

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