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foetal ne demek?

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"foetal" için örnek kullanımlar

The most common problem on farms this year is retained placentas/foetal membranes.
Çiftlikleri bu yıl en yaygın sorun plasentası / fetal membran korunur.
Kaynak: independent.ie
'As soon as he discovered Kate was pregnant he Googled info about foetal development.
'En kısa sürede Kate'in keşfettiği gibi hamile olduğunu o fetal gelişim hakkında bilgi Googled.
Kaynak: nowmagazine.co.uk
In a grim reminder, he said the foetal death figures were "just the tip of the iceberg".
Korkunç bir hatırlatma, o fetal ölüm rakamları "buzdağının sadece ucu" olduğunu söyledi.
Kaynak: news.ninemsn.com.au
Fetal position (British English : also foetal) is the position ing of the body of a prenatal fetus as it develops . In this position,
Kaynak: Fetal position
Fetal hemoglobin, or foetal haemoglobin, (also hemoglobin F or HbF or α2γ2) is the main oxygen transport protein in the fetus during the
Kaynak: Fetal hemoglobin
Hereditary persistence of fetal hemoglobin (HPFH, BrE: Hereditary persistence of foetal haemoglobin) is a benign condition in which
Kaynak: Hereditary persistence of fetal hemoglobin
Often, the terms fetal development, foetal development, or embryology are used in a similar sense. After fertilization the embryogenesis
Kaynak: Prenatal development
Congenital amputation is a congenital disorder that can be caused by fibrous bands of the amnion that constrict foetal limbs to such an
Kaynak: Congenital amputation

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