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foment ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

İngilizce - Türkçe

foment anlamı
1) kışkırtmak
2) sıcak kompres yapmak
3) fesat çıkarmak

"foment" için örnek kullanımlar

Of Course, they had every right to foment discontent and to urge activism.
Dersin ki, onlar hoşnutsuzluk kışkırtmaya ve aktivizmi teşvik için her hakka sahipti.
Kaynak: jacksonsun.com
But, just as it did in 2011, bitterness is already starting to foment.
Ancak, 2011 yılında yaptığı gibi, acı zaten kışkırtmaya başladı.
Kaynak: news.nationalpost.com
Mr. Chavez was admired all the more for his ability to foment mischief abroad.
Bay Chavez yurtdışında yaramazlık kışkırtmak için onun yeteneği için daha da takdir edildi.
Kaynak: fullcomment.nationalpost.com
As well as expelling a U.S. airforce attaché accused of trying to foment a milita
Yanı sıra bir ABD hava kuvvetleri ataşesi kovma bir milita kışkırtmaya çalışmakla suçladı
Kaynak: fullcomment.nationalpost.com
The Al Bandar report refers to an alleged political conspiracy by the certain government officials in Bahrain to foment sectarian strife
Kaynak: Al Bandar report
A filibuster, or freebooter, is someone who engages in an unauthorized military expedition into a foreign country to foment or support a
Kaynak: Filibuster (military)
Abdullah Qadri Al Ahdal | "Considered to be engaging in unacceptable behaviour by seeking to foment, justify or glorify terrorist
Kaynak: List of people banned from entering the United Kingdom
political boundary between the Emirate of Afghanistan and British India and the Afghans agreed not to foment trouble on the British side.
Kaynak: Third Anglo-Afghan War
The most prominent plan attempted to foment unrest and trigger a Pan-Indian mutiny in the British Indian Army from Punjab to Singapore
Kaynak: Hindu–German Conspiracy
He attempted to foment trouble for the British in the Persian Gulf in the First World War. Birth and schooling: Wilhelm Wassmuss was born in
Kaynak: Wilhelm Wassmuss
Founding the Internal Revolutionary Organisation , Levski sought to foment a nationwide uprising through a network of secret regional
Kaynak: Vasil Levski
in 1996 Alleged members have been indicted on charges of plotting to foment unrest , among other things by assassinating intellectuals,
Kaynak: Ergenekon (organization)
The work was composed between 1790 and 1793, in the period of radical foment and political conflict immediately after the French Revolution
Kaynak: The Marriage of Heaven and Hell

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