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forepart ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

İngilizce - Türkçe

forepart anlamı
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"forepart" için örnek kullanımlar

The thoracoacromial artery (acromiothoracic artery; thoracic axis) is a short trunk, which arises from the forepart of the axillary
Kaynak: Thoracoacromial artery
At the upper and forepart of the medial surface of the calcaneus is a horizontal eminence, the sustentaculum tali (alternatively, the
Kaynak: Sustentaculum tali
The Verticalis linguæ (Vertical lingualis) is found only at the borders of the forepart of the tongue . Its fibers extend from the upper
Kaynak: Vertical muscle of tongue
The inferior ophthalmic vein begins in a venous net-work at the forepart of the floor and medial wall of the orbit; it receives some
Kaynak: Inferior ophthalmic vein
The Vesical Plexus arises from the forepart of the pelvic plexus . The nerves composing it are numerous, and contain a large proportion of
Kaynak: Vesical nervous plexus
It has typically been depicted as a horse in its forepart with a coiling, scaly, fishlike hindquarter . Mythology: File:Roman Baths, Bath -
Kaynak: Hippocamp
from the forepart of the medial process, from the plantar aponeurosis , and from the intermuscular septum between it and the Flexor
Kaynak: Abductor digiti minimi muscle of foot
These are delicate filaments, from six to ten in number, which arise from the forepart of the ganglion in two bundles connected with its
Kaynak: Short ciliary nerves
On the same side a forepart was added in the 13th-14th centuries with an ogival entrance. The tambour, which protrudes from the centre of
Kaynak: San Vittore alle Chiuse
Chasmataspids are most easily recognised by having an abdomen divided into a short forepart (or mesosoma) and a longer hindpart (or
Kaynak: Chasmataspidida
The male's breeding colours are dark orange on the head and forepart of the body, and yellow on the rest. References : id 638601 | taxon
Kaynak: Yaldwyn's triplefin
municipality in the Ismailli Rayon of Azerbaijan , situated 28 km to the south-west from the rayon centre, on the forepart of Ajinohur mountain.
Kaynak: Qalagah
The nerves supplying the corpora cavernosa consist of two sets, the lesser and greater cavernous nerves , which arise from the forepart of
Kaynak: Prostatic plexus (nervous)

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