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fossil ne demek?

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fossil anlamı
1) fosil
2) taşıl
3) eski kafalı kimse
1) fosilleşmiş
2) taşlaşmış
3) eski kafalı
4) köhne

"fossil" için örnek kullanımlar

Only if subsidies are removed can the true cost of renewables versus fossil fuels be measured.
Sübvansiyonları kaldırıldı Yalnızca yenilenebilir karşı fosil yakıtların gerçek maliyeti ölçülebilir.
Kaynak: asiasentinel.com
Senators mull EPA nominee's views on fossil fuels.
Senatörler fosil yakıtlara EPA adayı görüşlerini diretiyorlar.
Kaynak: gasbb.com
Even howling wind and falling snow didn't hinder the protesters' support for divesting in fossil fuels.
Hatta rüzgar inleyen ve düşen kar fosil yakıtların divesting için protestocuların desteğe engel yoktu.
Kaynak: dailyorange.com
The panel met in Academic Instructional Center West to discuss the future of Western's use of fossil fuels.
Paneli fosil yakıtların Batı kullanımı geleceğini tartışmak için Akademik Öğretim Merkezi West buluştu.
Kaynak: westernfrontonline.net
Fossil fuels are fuel s formed by natural processes such as anaerobic decomposition of buried dead organism s. resulting fossil fuels is
Kaynak: Fossil fuel
Body fossils and trace fossil s are the principal types of evidence about ancient life, and geochemical evidence has helped to decipher
Kaynak: Paleontology
that burns fossil fuel s such as coal , natural gas or petroleum (oil) to produce electricity . Central station fossil-fuel power plants
Kaynak: Fossil-fuel power station
Most American states have made a state fossil designation, in many cases during the 1980s. category of fossils not limited to a single species.
Kaynak: List of U.S. state fossils
Fossil is a city in and the county seat of Wheeler County , Oregon , United States . Hoover, who had found some fossil remains on his ranch.
Kaynak: Fossil, Oregon
Fossil water or paleowater is groundwater that has remained sealed in an aquifer for a long period of time. "fossil aquifers" for
Kaynak: Fossil water
This page contains a listing of prehistoric bird taxa only known from completely fossil ized specimens. These extinctions took place
Kaynak: List of fossil birds
Proponents of multiregional origin point to fossil and genomic data and continuity of archaeological cultures as support for their
Kaynak: Multiregional origin of modern humans
Fossil Mountain is a mountain located south of Skoki Mountain in Banff National Park , Canada . numerous fossil s that can be found on its slopes.
Kaynak: Fossil Mountain (Alberta)
A transitional fossil is any fossil ized remains of a life form that exhibits traits common to both an ancestral group and its derived
Kaynak: Transitional fossil
Index fossils (also known as guide fossils, indicator fossils or zone fossils) are fossil s used to define and identify geologic periods
Kaynak: Index fossil

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