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fosterling ne demek?

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İngilizce - Türkçe

fosterling anlamı
1) evlatlık
2) süt evlât
3) manevi evlat

"fosterling" için örnek kullanımlar

She was the niece (and possibly fosterling) of Agnes Randolph , Countess of Dunbar and March. She was first married to a man called Robert,
Kaynak: Agnes Dunbar (mistress)
In January 1832, he returned to England from where he continued to communicate by letter with his fosterling and also with officials
Kaynak: Philip Henry Stanhope, 4th Earl Stanhope
He is a man caught in “midstream”, a born Celt but an English fosterling, belonging neither to one world nor the other. There is a
Kaynak: The Haw Lantern
Caillin at last recover compensation for his fosterling of God from them. A beautiful monument of carved stone with an excellently wrought
Kaynak: Fenagh, County Leitrim
A pleased Tu then put Cheng under his protection and adopted his baby son as his fosterling. 15 years later, another Emperor ascended the
Kaynak: The Grand Substitution
As a teenager she grew up with her aunt and uncle as a fosterling in Kenmare , County Kerry . She studied marketing before working as a
Kaynak: Anna McPartlin
The book tells the story of Skafloc , elven-fosterling and originally son of Orm the Strong. The story begins with the marriage of Orm the
Kaynak: The Broken Sword
She finds refuge in a court, where she rebuffs another lover, who frames for murder of her fosterling by a bloody dagger, and she is
Kaynak: Crescentia (romance)
Kai: An ÄRMsmith's fosterling who admires Ginta for his deeds in the 2nd MÄR-Heaven war. He always wants an ÄRM as powerful as Babbo, but
Kaynak: MÄR Omega
A version: 483) and an eventual fosterling of the Déisi. At her birth a druid prophesies that under Ethne her mother's kindred will seize
Kaynak: The Expulsion of the Déisi
link that brought Leslie into the orbit of the House of Argyll as Lord Lorne, the son of the marquis of Argyll was also a Glenorchy fosterling.
Kaynak: Alexander Leslie, 1st Earl of Leven
was accompanied by the fosterling Feardorcha (translated into English as 'Matthew'), a youth who, until he was sixteen had been
Kaynak: Shane O'Neill
Orthography: sga | daltae/daLte/ | fosterling | sga | celtae/kʲeLde/ | who hide | sga | anta/aNta/ | of remaining | sga | antae/aNde/ | who
Kaynak: Old Irish

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