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gangplank ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

İngilizce - Türkçe

gangplank anlamı
1) borda iskelesi
2) güverte iskelesi

"gangplank" için örnek kullanımlar

I walked up the wrong gangplank and found myself saluting the enlisted officer.
Yanlış lumbarından yürüdü ve kendimi Ilan selâm bulundu.
Kaynak: aberdeennews.com
Only hours earlier, weary passengers streamed down the gangplank, some in wheelchair.
Sadece saat önce, yorgun yolcular bazı tekerlekli sandalye, gangplank aşağı akış.
Kaynak: 10tv.com
Consider the Gangplank matchup for a moment.
Bir an için Gangplank yendi düşünün.
Kaynak: massively.joystiq.com
While you're at it, visualize yourself striding up a gangplank, a happy seagoer in the Bay Area cruise craze.
Bunu yaparken, kendinize bir gangplank, Bay Area seyir çılgınlığı bir mutlu seagoer kadar uzun adımlarla görselleştirmek.
Kaynak: huffingtonpost.com
B term Brow | content brow 1 See gangplank. term Buffer | content Buffer 1 The chief bosun's mate (in the Royal Navy), responsible for
Kaynak: Glossary of nautical terms
Access to Stevens from the campus-owned Eighth Street Pier was facilitated by two gangplanks. A double-ramped covered gangplank provided
Kaynak: SS Stevens
Men generally entered the boat by walking over a gangplank from the boat deck of a troop transport as the LCA hung from its davits.
Kaynak: Landing Craft Assault
Men generally entered the boat by walking over a gangplank from the boat deck of their troop transport as the LCP(L) hung from its
Kaynak: LCPL
approach closer than the base of the talus, and their gangplank may be unable to cover the horizontal span of the talus, rendering them useless.
Kaynak: Talus (fortification)
passerelle , also a gangplank or platform used to board or leave a large yacht. Passerelles come in either transom, rotating or extending
Kaynak: Passerelle
Lighthouse Keeper Joshua Strout, his son, wife, and volunteers rigged an ordinary ladder as a gangplank between the shore and the ledge
Kaynak: Annie C. Maguire
"Passenger decks were labelled A, B, C and D, and none had direct gangplank access to the dock. The only exits were located on the lowest
Kaynak: SS Noronic
On May 19, 1912, a gangplank collapsed as passengers were boarding the Black Ball steamer Flyer. At least 60 people fell into the water.
Kaynak: Colman Dock
When a siege tower was near a wall, it would drop a gangplank between it and the wall. Troops could then rush onto the walls and into the
Kaynak: Siege tower
German commandos arrived at the gangplank but were refused permission to go aboard. They did not force the issue and stood on the dock and
Kaynak: French cruiser Marseillaise (1935)
They put ashore for the night, and there Tora gave birth to her child up on the slate by the gangplank; it was a boy. Sigurd jarl ladled
Kaynak: Tora Mosterstong

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