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gangue ne demek?

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İngilizce - Türkçe

gangue anlamı

"gangue" için örnek kullanımlar

Mercury forms an amalgam with gold that is easy to separate from gangue minerals.
Merkür gang minerallerden ayırmak kolay altın ile amalgam oluşturur.
Kaynak: northernminer.com
From that testing the Company has gained invaluable knowledge on optimising the flotation of graphite and on the suppression and removal of gangue minerals.
Şirket test grafit flotasyon optimize ve bastırma ve gang mineralleri kaldırılması üzerine çok değerli bilgiler elde ettiğini kaynaktan.
Kaynak: au.finance.yahoo.com
Le chemin sera long pour nous extraire de cette gangue des préjugés savamment entretenue par nos socialeux épaulés par les caciques de la droite gauchisée.
Le chemin sera uzun nous extraire de cette gang des préjugés savamment entretenue par nos socialeux épaulés par les caciques de la droite gauchisée dökün.
Kaynak: blog.lefigaro.fr
The veins in the area share similar characteristics with many of the more prolific deposits in the VCMD, including ore mineralogy, gangue type and alteration assemblages.
Cevher mineralojisi, gang tipi ve alterasyon topluluğu dahil VCMD içinde daha üretken mevduat, birçok alanı ile paylaşmak benzer özellikleri damarlar.
Kaynak: marketwire.com
In mining, gangue (pronounced "gang") is the commercially worthless material that surrounds, or is closely mixed with, a wanted mineral in
Kaynak: Gangue
slickens are the materials left over after the process of separating the valuable fraction from the uneconomic fraction (gangue ) of an ore .
Kaynak: Tailings
Skarn is an old Swedish mining term originally used to describe a type of silicate gangue , or waste rock, associated with iron-ore bearing
Kaynak: Skarn
William Haynes in 1869 patented a process for separating sulfide and gangue minerals using oil and called it bulk-oil flotation.
Kaynak: Froth flotation
In extractive metallurgy , beneficiation is any process which removes the gangue minerals from ore to produce a higher grade product
Kaynak: Benefication (metallurgy)
Mineral processing often relies on the formation of froth to separate rich minerals from gangue . In the process chemicals are added and
Kaynak: Froth pump
from gangue by means of oils, fatty acids, or other substances which have a preferential affinity for such metalliferous matter over gangue."
Kaynak: Minerals Separation, Limited
concentrations of copper , gold and uranium ore s hosted within iron oxide dominant gangue assemblages which share a common genetic origin.
Kaynak: Iron oxide copper gold ore deposits
As most ores are impure, it is often necessary to use flux , such as limestone , to remove the accompanying rock gangue as slag .
Kaynak: Smelting
minerals such as quartz, mica and feldspar, collectively known an "gangue It was relatively easy to separate these minerals on the basis
Kaynak: Dartmoor tin-mining
The worthless gangue was then disposed of, often by draining. Usually a set of buddle pits was utilised, with the richer central deposits in
Kaynak: Buddle pit
The heavier ore is tossed up through the water and appears as a crescent shaped patch at the top of the charge with the lighter gangue
Kaynak: Vanning
The packing (gangue material used for filling) from the upper main gangways was placed in the exhausted cavities (the so-called 'old man'
Kaynak: Mining in the Upper Harz
Quartz occurs in hydrothermal veins as gangue along with ore minerals. Large crystals of quartz are found in pegmatite s.
Kaynak: Quartz
The sulfate minerals occur commonly in primary evaporite depositional environment s, as gangue minerals in hydrothermal veins and as
Kaynak: Sulfate minerals
remainder of the ore being unwanted rock or gangue minerals, typically silicate minerals or oxide minerals for which there is often no value.
Kaynak: Copper extraction techniques
or by acid leaching (dissolving) the gangue with hydrofluoric acid (for a silicate gangue) or hydrochloric acid (for a carbonate gangue).
Kaynak: Graphite
For example they are found within cementing minerals of sedimentary rocks , in gangue minerals such as quartz or calcite in
Kaynak: Fluid inclusions
processes whereby extracted ore from mining is separated into mineral and gangue , the former suitable for further processing or direct use.
Kaynak: Beneficiation

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