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gentian ne demek?

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İngilizce - Türkçe

gentian anlamı
1) centiyana

"gentian" için örnek kullanımlar

Another herb, gentian, is so bitter, it sets the standard for bitterness.
Başka bir ot, yılan otu, çok acı, acı için standart ayarlar.
Kaynak: wickedlocal.com
I'm unsure about gentian violet because I read conflicting info about it's safety.
Ben güvenliği konusunda çelişkili bilgiler okudum çünkü centiyana menekşe konusunda emin değilim.
Kaynak: mothering.com
You've never even heard of either gentian or cinchona?
Hatta centiyana veya Kınakına birinin hiç duymadın mı?
Kaynak: pridesource.com
Raoulia monroi, a mat daisy, and an unnamed gentian were other threatened plants on the site.
Raoulia monroi, mat bir papatya ve isimsiz bir centiyana sitedeki diğer tehdit bitkiler vardı.
Kaynak: odt.co.nz
is a genus of flowering plant s belonging to the gentian family (Gentianaceae ), tribe Gentianeae and monophyletic subtribe Gentianinae
Kaynak: Gentiana
Gentiana lutea (Great Yellow Gentian) is a species of gentian native to the mountain s of central and southern Europe . Yellow Gentian', '
Kaynak: Gentiana lutea
Gentiana acaulis (stemless gentian is a species of flowering plant in the family Gentianaceae, native to central and southern Europe
Kaynak: Gentiana acaulis
Gentiana scabra (or Japanese gentian) is a species of flowering plant in the Gentian family (Gentianaceae ), found in much of the United
Kaynak: Gentiana scabra
Gentiana andrewsii (Bottle gentian, Closed gentian, or Closed bottle gentian) is a herbaceous species of flowering plant in the Gentian
Kaynak: Gentiana andrewsii
A gentian is a plant that has terminal tubular flowers. Gentian may also refer to: Gentian violet , an antifungal agent. HMS Gentian (K90), a
Kaynak: Gentian (disambiguation)
Gentianella (Dwarf gentian) is a plant genus in the Gentian family (Gentianaceae ). Species : Gentianella alborosea - Hercampuri
Kaynak: Gentianella

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