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gentility ne demek?

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gentility anlamı
1) kibarlık
2) soyluluk

"gentility" için örnek kullanımlar

Nothing could better illustrate Arosa's easy gentility than our hotels.
Hiçbir şey daha iyi oteller daha Arosa'nın kolay kibarlık göstermek olabilir.
Kaynak: kelownacapnews.com
The designer Peter Copping has brought a gentility to the prettiness he offers.
Tasarımcı Peter copping o sunmaktadır Hoşluklar bir kibarlık getirdi.
Kaynak: nytimes.com
"I think it might lead to a greater sense of gentility and kindness in the world."
"Ben dünyada kibarlık ve nezaket daha büyük bir anlam neden olabileceğini düşünüyorum."
Kaynak: sltrib.com
Despite all its troubles, the gentility of the book trade is in many ways untouched.
Bütün sıkıntılara rağmen, kitabın ticaret kibarlık değmemiş birçok bakımdan.
Kaynak: blogs.sfweekly.com
common denominator of gentility (and often armiger ousness) shared by both constituents of the English aristocracy : the peerage and the gentry.
Kaynak: Gentleman
ambassador's garden party by teaching her to assume a veneer of gentility, the most important element of which, he believes, is impeccable speech.
Kaynak: Pygmalion (play)
mark the east end of Long Island's renowned "Gold Coast", the name deriving from the traditional wealth and gentility associated with the area.
Kaynak: Centerport, New York
She is amongst the well-known of the silver fork writer s - authors of the Victorian era depicting the gentility and etiquette of high
Kaynak: Catherine Gore
Unlike the original song, Bertie's pretensions to gentility are belied by his residence in Bow , in the poverty-stricken East End of
Kaynak: Burlington Bertie
such a restrained gentility of writing ink that, if it is cast at all appropriately, it can hardly fail to dig into an audience's emotions.
Kaynak: Shadow and Substance
Old Kentucky Home, a song by Randy Newman from 12 Songs that mocks the gentility of Foster's song. Old Kentucky Home, the popular name of
Kaynak: My Old Kentucky Home (disambiguation)
com/realestate/news/articles/2008/02/10/keeping_dream_of_gentility_alive_on_norwood_estate/ Keeping dream of gentility alive on Norwood
Kaynak: Oak View, Norwood, Massachusetts
It is important to closely examine the ways in which elite Upper Canadians sought "gentility" including the acquisition of landed estates,
Kaynak: Family Compact
Of virtues, Faith or obedience and gentility. See also: or. Gold (color) Old Gold References : Woodcock, Thomas and John Martin Robinson (1988).
Kaynak: Or (heraldry)
As the gentility of the 1950s gave way to the anarchic sixties and beyond, he always kept pace, though he regretted the loss of dignity in
Kaynak: Kenneth Paul Block
warmth and splendors that exude from a typically huge family from which he imbibed the virtues of gentility, tolerance, hard-work and fortitude.
Kaynak: Fon of Batibo
tended to insist somewhat on their gentility, and often chose to imbue a sense of family history into the design and decoration of their houses.
Kaynak: Parker House (Blue Hill, Maine)

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