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gentleness ne demek?

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İngilizce - Türkçe

gentleness anlamı
1) nezaket
2) yumuşaklık

"gentleness" için örnek kullanımlar

When Nassar speaks, he has a surprising calmness, gentleness and surety.
Nassar konuştuğu zaman, onun şaşırtıcı bir sakinlik, yumuşak huyluluk ve kefalet bulunmaktadır.
Kaynak: dukechronicle.com
Is this a retreat where I can find the gentleness and vastness in my heart?
Bu kalbimde yumuşaklığı ve çokluk bulabileceğiniz bir geri çekilme mi?
Kaynak: huffingtonpost.com
But is the love, compassion and gentleness of the lamb present as well?
Ama kuzu şimdiki sevgi, şefkat ve nezaket yanı nedir?
Kaynak: newtoncitizen.com
Of course, it is important to balance this advice with gentleness to yourself.
Tabii ki, kendinize yumuşaklığı ile bu tavsiye dengelemek için önemlidir.
Kaynak: huffingtonpost.com
According to Catholic tradition there are twelve fruits: charity, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, generosity, gentleness,
Kaynak: Fruit of the Holy Spirit
Behavioral traits generally considered feminine include gentleness , empathy , and sensitivity though traits associated with femininity
Kaynak: Femininity
It is designed to teach the fundamental principles of judo, especially the principle of ju (yielding or gentleness It consists in three
Kaynak: Ju-no-kata
Contemporaries praised Blair for such personal strengths as gentleness and benevolence, and for his ability to penetrate immediately to
Kaynak: John Blair, Jr.
Qilin embodies gentleness, benevolence and perfect goodness. Irish poet W. B. Yeats wrote of imagining a winged beast that he associated
Kaynak: Winged unicorn
He is known for his gentleness. He held the Guinness World Record in 1997 for the most rotations in an upright spin. External links
Kaynak: Neil Wilson (figure skater)
probably some time between 394 and 403 His father was an eminent lawyer, and his mother Livia remarkable for gentleness and wisdom.
Kaynak: Amphilochius of Iconium
"guilds" in mediaeval Muslim realms that emphasised honesty, peacefulness, gentleness, generosity, avoidance of complaint and hospitality in life.
Kaynak: Futuwwa
The Sivas Kangal Dog's protectiveness, loyalty and gentleness with small children and animals has led to its growing popularity as a
Kaynak: Kangal dog
He was "noted for his Christian piety, his humility and gentleness, and his devotion to his calling. Early life : Leighton was born in London
Kaynak: Robert Leighton (bishop)
She became well known both for her political and social activism and as a role model, a person of enormous integrity, strength, and gentleness.
Kaynak: Mary John, Sr.
He was revered for his gentleness although his first act as king was to enforce the massacre of the kinsmen, putting all the royal
Kaynak: Binnya Ran II
She was noted for her gentleness and for giving humanity the healing arts. Her province is Eisande . Eisheth is also a video game character
Kaynak: Eisheth
According to Daniel Boyarin 's Unheroic Conduct (University of California Press, 1997), eydlkayt embraces the studiousness, gentleness
Kaynak: Nice Jewish boy stereotype
resolution adopted by the Oklahoma City Chamber of Commerce stated,"Affluence came to him but left unspoiled his native gentleness and simplicity.
Kaynak: Charles Francis Colcord
It set the tone for many of the films which followed: realism, child's eye perspective of the world, innocence, gentleness, set in poor
Kaynak: The Runner (1985 film)
His gentleness developed remarkably in his monastic life. He left home in 1902 and joined at the Belur Math. He was initiated by Swami
Kaynak: Swami Shankarananda (Indian monk)

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