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geology ne demek?

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geology anlamı
1) jeoloji
2) yerbilim
3) jeolojik yapı

"geology" için örnek kullanımlar

That means understanding the detonation requires understanding the geology of it.
Patlama o jeoloji anlamayı gerektirir anlamak demektir.
Kaynak: wired.com
There are huge differences in geography, risk profile, geology.
Büyük coğrafya farklılıkları, risk profili, jeoloji vardır.
Kaynak: mineweb.com
Geology students get out of the classroom and learn about more than rocks and minerals.
Jeoloji öğrencileri sınıftan dışarıya almak ve kayalar ve mineraller daha fazla öğrenirler.
Kaynak: collegian.tccd.edu
So I decided to bring my own knowledge to the table and take a look at the geology of Skyrim.
Yani masaya bilgimi getirmek ve Skyrim jeolojisi bakmak karar verdi.
Kaynak: gamespot.com
Geologists usually engage in studying geology . one, must approach Geology using physics , chemistry and biology as well as other sciences.
Kaynak: Geologist
The geology of Mars is the scientific study of the surface, crust, and interior of the planet Mars . It emphasizes the composition,
Kaynak: Geology of Mars
Planetary geology, alternatively known as astrogeology or exogeology, is a planetary science discipline concerned with the geology of the
Kaynak: Planetary geology
The history of geology is concerned with the development of the natural science of geology. Geology is the scientific study of the origin,
Kaynak: History of geology
Major subdisciplines are mineralogy and petrology , geochemistry , geomorphology , paleontology , stratigraphy , structural geology ,
Kaynak: Earth science
The geology of the Pacific Northwest refers to the study of the composition (including rock , minerals , and soils ), structure, physical
Kaynak: Geology of the Pacific Northwest
Geologic modelling is a relatively recent subdiscipline of geology which integrates structural geology , sedimentology , stratigraphy ,
Kaynak: Geologic modelling
The geology of India started with the geological evolution of rest of the Earth i.e. Ga (billion years ago). India has a diverse geology.
Kaynak: Geology of India
In structural geology , a suture is a joining together along a major fault zone, of separate terrane s, tectonic units that have
Kaynak: Suture (geology)
Stone Mountain is well-known not only for its geology , but also for the enormous bas-relief on its north face, the largest bas-relief in
Kaynak: Stone Mountain
The geology of Minnesota comprises the rock , minerals , and soils of the U.S. state of Minnesota , including their formation,
Kaynak: Geology of Minnesota
The geology of Wales is complex and varied; its study has been of considerable historical significance in the development of geology as a
Kaynak: Geology of Wales

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