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"girder" için örnek kullanımlar

Firefighters rescued a Gisborne man impaled on a steel girder this morning.
İtfaiyeciler bu sabah bir çelik makas kazığa bir Gisborne adamı kurtarıldı.
Kaynak: 3news.co.nz
The steel girder bridge was built in 1915 and replaced in 1957.
Çelik kirişli köprü 1915 yılında inşa edilmiş ve 1957 yılında değiştirildi.
Kaynak: monroemonitor.com
That a conventional box girder would have been preferable?
Geleneksel bir kutu kirişli tercih olurdu bu?
Kaynak: architectsjournal.co.uk
With the launch of the girder, the construction work of the Metro line will be expedited.
Kirişinin sunulmasıyla birlikte, Metro hattının inşaat çalışmaları hızlandırılmalıdır edilecektir.
Kaynak: indianexpress.com
A girder is a support beam used in construction Girders often have an I-beam cross section for strength, but may also have a box shape
Kaynak: Girder
A girder bridge, in general, is a bridge built of girder s placed on bridge abutments and foundation piers In turn, a bridge deck is built
Kaynak: Girder bridge
A box or tubular girder is a girder that forms an enclosed tube with multiple walls, rather than an ibeam or H-beam . Originally
Kaynak: Box girder
A box girder bridge is a bridge in which the main beams comprise girder s in the shape of a hollow box. The box girder normally
Kaynak: Box girder bridge
A plate girder bridge is a bridge supported by two or more plate girder s. Overview: In a plate girder bridge, the plate girders are typically
Kaynak: Plate girder bridge
A lattice girder is a girder where the flange s are connected by a lattice web. Overview: The lattice girder type of design has been
Kaynak: Lattice girder
This list is intended to help identify a particular early form of lattice girder bridge which was popular with bridge engineers
Kaynak: List of lattice girder bridges in the United Kingdom
Other states, such as Michigan , used standard plan concrete girder and beam bridges, and only a limited number of truss bridges were
Kaynak: Truss bridge
A concrete curved-chord through girder bridge, commonly known as a camelback bridge is a type of concrete bridge most common in the U.S.
Kaynak: Concrete curved-chord through girder bridge
Girder: File:Cotton-fork. jpg | 1934 Cotton with girder fork One of the earliest types of motorcycle front suspension, the girder fork consists
Kaynak: Motorcycle fork
A grooved rail, groove rail, or girder rail is a special grooved rail designed for tramway or railway track in pavement or grassed
Kaynak: Rail profile
Plate girder, formed by welding (or occasionally bolting or rivet ing) plates.- beams are commonly made of structural steel but may also
Kaynak: I-beam
Tramway track is used on tramway s or light rail operations. Grooved rails (or girder rails ) are often used in order to make street
Kaynak: Tramway track

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