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glut ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

İngilizce - Türkçe

glut anlamı
1) bolluk
2) tokluk
3) fazlalık
4) tıkınma
1) doldurmak
2) tıka basa doldurmak
3) fazla doyurmak
4) tıkamak
5) boğmak

"glut" için örnek kullanımlar

Graduate glut: Why college graduates are underemployed and overeducated.
Lisansüstü glut: Neden üniversite mezunları eksik istihdam ve overeducated vardır.
Kaynak: deseretnews.com
You and the Law: The glut of lawyers is making victims of their clients.
Sen ve Hukuk: avukatların fazlalığı müşterilerine kurbanları yapıyor.
Kaynak: hanfordsentinel.com
Football: Goal glut punctuates sparse youth calendar in Flintshire.
Futbol: Gol fazlalığı Flintshire seyrek gençlik takvim noktalamak.
Kaynak: flintshirechronicle.co.uk
Glut of repossessed houses could depress prices 'by up to 25%'.
Repossessed evlerin Glut '% 25'e varan fiyatlarıyla deprese olabilir.
Kaynak: irishexaminer.com
Global saving glut (also global savings glut) is a term coined by Ben Bernanke in 2005 The term describes a situation in which there are
Kaynak: Global saving glut
In macroeconomics , a general glut is an excess of supply in relation to demand, specifically, when there is more production in all fields
Kaynak: General glut
US | 27 | 1986 to $US | 10 | 1986 today The glut began in the early 1980s as a result of slowed economic activity in industrial countries
Kaynak: 1980s oil glut
The dollar glut is a term for the accumulation of American dollars outside of the United States, contrasted with the dollar gap, which lead
Kaynak: Dollar glut
products and "a glut can take place only when there are too many means of production applied to one kind of product and not enough to another".
Kaynak: Say's law
The wine lake refers to the continuing supply surplus of wine (supply glut) produced in the European Union . contributor to that glut is
Kaynak: Wine lake

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