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God-fearing ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

"God-fearing" için örnek kullanımlar

Barnabas and Paul successfully evangelized among the "God-fearing" gentiles who attended synagogue s in various Hellenized cities of Anatolia
Kaynak: Barnabas
According to William of Tyre , he was "religious and God-fearing, possessed of little learning, but a faithful man and a lover of
Kaynak: Patriarch Fulk of Jerusalem
Taqwa , which is usually translated as "piety" or the quality of being "God-fearing", and thus roughly denotes fear and love of the divine.
Kaynak: Taqwacore
It depicts the machinations of a wicked, though wealthy man, against a poverty-stricken, God-fearing school master, with the final defeat
Kaynak: Padatha Painkili
The chronicles of Ioan Canta portray him as a "good God-fearing Christian, living his life with little opportunity under the protection
Kaynak: Teodor Calmăşul
become God-fearing and socially responsible young adults through high quality Christian education based on biblical truths and principles. |
Kaynak: MGC-New Life Christian Academy
Mediceum) was founded on 29 May 1691 to house (according to the will of the founder Oluff Borch :) sixteen poor, God-fearing and learned students.
Kaynak: Borchs Kollegium
Grandma just lived a very clean, God-fearing life ... S he worked hard when she was young. She hardly ever went to the doctor, she was
Kaynak: Zelda McCague
She was a meek and devout girl, wise in the wisdom of Christ and golden in both name ("Chryse") and God-fearing heart. Once when Zlata
Kaynak: Zlata of Maglen
borne out of a God-fearing attitude, in accordance with the Baptist tradition of ethical behavior, social responsibility and democratic ethos".
Kaynak: Bowen University
"God-fearing, suspicious, and scrupulous, Eumaeus delivers probably the oldest extant example of literary sarcasm when, after Odysseus
Kaynak: Eumaeus
for: "hypocritically pious", "holier-than-thou", "sanctimonious"; or in a positive sense for: "pious", "devout", "God-fearing" and "upright".
Kaynak: Frum

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