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graceful ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

İngilizce - Türkçe

graceful anlamı
1) zarif
2) vakur
3) ince
4) ağırbaşlı

"graceful" için örnek kullanımlar

He added: "Most people actually find the screws quite graceful looking."
Diye ekledi: "Çoğu insan aslında oldukça zarif vidaları bakarak bulabilirsiniz."
Kaynak: maidenhead-advertiser.co.uk
The anthemic ode to commitment, "Anywhere But Here," is graceful and positive.
Taahhüt ilahi kaside, "Anywhere But Here" zarif ve olumlu.
Kaynak: indyweek.com
Suspended between wind and water, I'm in a graceful state of flux.
Rüzgar ve su arasındaki Asma, ben akı zarif bir durumda değilim.
Kaynak: mensjournal.com
I attempted what, in my head, would have been a graceful leap on to the back deck.
Kafamda, arka güverte için zarif bir sıçrama olurdu ne çalıştı.
Kaynak: uxbridgegazette.co.uk
Fault-tolerance or graceful degradation is the property that enables a system (often computer -based) to continue operating properly in
Kaynak: Fault-tolerant system
In graph theory , a graceful labeling of a graph with e edges is a labeling of its vertices with some subset of the integer s between 0
Kaynak: Graceful labeling
A graceful exit (or graceful handling) is a simple programming idiom wherein a program detects a serious error condition and "exits
Kaynak: Graceful exit
The graceful shark or Queensland shark (Carcharhinus amblyrhynchoides) is a species of requiem shark , family Carcharhinidae , found in
Kaynak: Graceful shark
The graceful catshark (Proscyllium habereri) is a species of finback catshark , family Proscylliidae , found in the western Pacific Ocean
Kaynak: Graceful catshark
In graph theory , an edge-graceful graph labeling is a type of graph labeling . This is a labeling for simple graphs, namely ones in which
Kaynak: Edge-graceful labeling
The graceful grenadier (Hymenocephalus gracilis) is a species of rattail . It is found at depths of 160 | 345 | m | abbr on in tropical
Kaynak: Graceful grenadier
The graceful clam shrimp, Lynceus gracilicornis, is a species of clam shrimp found in Texas , northern Florida and possibly other regions
Kaynak: Graceful clam shrimp
The dainty green tree frog or graceful tree frog (Litoria gracilenta) is a tree frog native to eastern Queensland , and north-eastern New
Kaynak: Dainty green tree frog

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