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grasshopper ne demek?

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İngilizce - Türkçe

grasshopper anlamı
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"grasshopper" için örnek kullanımlar

Grasshopper spacecraft has been making rounds in the space exploration.
Çekirge uzay uzay keşif turu yapıyor.
Kaynak: frenchtribune.com
Then we started reading at the Grasshopper and then went to the Original Sub Shop.
Sonra biz çekirge de okumaya başladım ve sonra Özgün Sub Shop gitti.
Kaynak: toledofreepress.com
The card is a collage of a grasshopper, an angel and a forest.
Kartı çekirge bir kolaj, bir melek ve bir orman olduğunu.
Kaynak: guardian.co.uk
SpaceX hopes the Grasshopper will help them fully develop and rapidly reuse rockets.
SpaceX Grasshopper onları tam olarak geliştirmek ve hızla roket yeniden yardımcı olacağını umuyor.
Kaynak: kxxv.com
The grasshopper is an insect of the suborder Caelifera in the order Orthoptera . is sometimes referred to as the short-horned grasshopper.
Kaynak: Grasshopper
Orthoptera is an order of insect s with paurometabolous or incomplete metamorphosis , including the grasshopper s, cricket s, weta , and
Kaynak: Orthoptera
The grasshopper is a fairy chess piece that moves along ranks, files, and diagonals (as an ordinary queen) but only by hopping over
Kaynak: Grasshopper (chess piece)
Grasshopper: File:Marine grasshopper engine. jpg | Diagram of a grasshopper engine Grasshopper beam engine. The grasshopper or 'half-lever engine
Kaynak: Marine steam engine
A grasshopper is a sweet, mint-flavored, after-dinner drink. The name of the drink is derived from its green color, which is provided by
Kaynak: Grasshopper (cocktail)

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