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grenade ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

İngilizce - Türkçe

grenade anlamı
1) el bombası
2) yangın söndürücü madde dolu cam tüp

"grenade" için örnek kullanımlar

M67 grenade leaves metre deep hole in ground, kills 4, injures 50.
M67 el bombası, toprağa metre derinliğinde bir delik bırakır 4 öldürür, 50 kişi yaralandı.
Kaynak: bangkokpost.com
A MAN lost two fingers in his left hand after the grenade he was holding exploded.
Bir adam patladı tutuyordu bombası sonrası sol elinde iki parmak kaybetti.
Kaynak: sunstar.com.ph
A thrift store employee found a grenade in a bag of donated clothing Monday morning.
Bir ucuzcu mağaza çalışanı Pazartesi sabahı bağışlanan giyim bir torba içinde bir el bombası bulundu.
Kaynak: chicagoist.com
A thrift store employee saw what appeared to be a grenade inside a bag of clothes at
Bir tasarruf mağaza çalışanı giysi bir çanta içinde bir el bombası olduğu ortaya çıktı ne gördüm
Kaynak: dnainfo.com
A grenade is any explosive device designed to be thrown by hand. Grenade launcher s are firearms designed to fire explosive projectile
Kaynak: Grenade
A hand grenade is any small bomb that can be thrown by hand. A variety of types of hand grenades exist, with explosive grenades designed
Kaynak: Hand grenade
A grenade launcher or grenade discharger is a weapon that launches a grenade with more accuracy, higher velocity, and to greater
Kaynak: Grenade launcher
Smoke grenades are canister-type grenade s used as ground-to-ground or ground-to-air signaling devices, target or landing zone marking
Kaynak: Smoke grenade
Mills bomb is the popular name for a series of prominent British hand grenade s. They were the first modern fragmentation grenades in the
Kaynak: Mills bomb
characteristic is of practical importance in determining the effectiveness of an explosion in fragmenting shells, bomb casings, grenade s, and the like.
Kaynak: Explosive material
The French term grenade for pomegranate has given its name to the military grenade Soldiers commented on the similar shape of early
Kaynak: Pomegranate
was the standard fragmentation hand grenade of the Imperial Japanese Army and Imperial Japanese Navy SNLF during the Second Sino-
Kaynak: Type 97 grenade
Grenade amok: This section lists incidents of "grenade amok", which are mass murders where the perpetrator used only hand grenade s or
Kaynak: List of rampage killers
Grenade insignia are symbols featured on the uniforms of numerous military units. stylized old style of hand grenade , with a rising flame.
Kaynak: Grenade (insignia)
The 12cm Granatwerfer 42 (literally, "grenade thrower Model 42"; official designation: 12 cm GrW 42) was a mortar used by Germany during
Kaynak: Granatwerfer 42

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