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guardianship ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

İngilizce - Türkçe

guardianship anlamı
1) vasilik
2) velilik
3) koruyuculuk
4) vekillik

"guardianship" için örnek kullanımlar

About 60 percent of the children under state guardianship are of color.
Devletin vesayeti altında çocukların yaklaşık yüzde 60'ı renk vardır.
Kaynak: stillwatergazette.com
As foster parents, Rowse and DeBoer shared legal guardianship of Jacob.
Bakıcı anne olarak, Rowse ve DeBoer Jacob yasal vesayet paylaştı.
Kaynak: npr.org
In 2009, Saudi Arabia government promised to remove the guardianship system.
2009 yılında Suudi Arabistan hükümeti vesayet sistemini kaldırmak için söz verdi.
Kaynak: fidh.org
He says he likes the opportunity that guardianship offers to see immediate results.
O vesayet hemen sonuç görmek için sunduğu fırsatı hoşlandığını söylüyor.
Kaynak: minnlawyer.com
Legal guardians may be appointed in guardianship cases for adults (see also conservatorship). parents may start a guardianship action to
Kaynak: Legal guardian
the Guardians and Wards Act (Central Act No 8 of 1890) in matters relating to guardianship of minors in respect of their person and property.
Kaynak: Christian law of guardianship in India
Commonly referred to as the "Guardianship Convention", the Convention of 1902 relating to the settlement of guardianship of minors, along
Kaynak: Hague Convention of 1902 relating to the settlement of guardianship of minors
Walayah (ولاية) means "guardianship". Walayah or Walaya, is a word which empower gives authority/guardianship to a person, community, or
Kaynak: Walayah
taking the monument into state ownership or placing it under guardianship, classifying it as a Guardianship Monument under the terms of
Kaynak: Scheduled monument
Child custody and guardianship are legal terms which are used to describe the legal and practical relationship between a parent and his
Kaynak: Child custody
Kaitiaki is a New Zealand term used for the Māori concept of guardianship , for the sky , the sea , and the land. A kaitiaki is a
Kaynak: Kaitiaki
Pet adoption usually refers to the process of taking guardianship of and responsibility for a pet that a previous owner has abandoned or
Kaynak: Pet adoption
L École des Mines d'Alès (EMA), under the guardianship of the French Ministry of Economy, Finance and Employment , is a French technology
Kaynak: École des mines d'Alès

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