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gullibility ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

İngilizce - Türkçe

gullibility anlamı
1) saflık
2) kanma
3) enayilik

"gullibility" için örnek kullanımlar

Clearly the incredible gullibility of some people knows no bounds.
Açıkçası bazı insanlar inanılmaz saflık sınır tanımıyor.
Kaynak: trektoday.com
Every time, he lands flat on his back, pondering his gullibility.
Her zaman, onun arkasındaki düz araziler, onun saflık durulması.
Kaynak: bloomberg.com
Let's all take a moment of silence to grieve their gullibility.
Kullanıcısının tüm yas onların saflık sessizlik bir an duralım.
Kaynak: business2community.com
And we have let it happen by our inaction and gullibility!
Ve biz hareketsizlik ve saflık ile buna izin var!
Kaynak: laconiadailysun.com
In rhetoric an argumentum ad captandum, "for capturing" the gullibility of the naïve among the listeners or readers, is an unsound,
Kaynak: Argumentum ad captandum
Goepp | Kay | 1984 state that while both words mean "unduly trusting or confiding", gullibility stresses being duped or made a fool of,
Kaynak: Credulity
have swampland in Florida to sell you" or "I have prime swampland to sell you" are slang expressions that the recipient shows gullibility .
Kaynak: Swampland in Florida
The film is about a security man who meets a femme fatale who sets him up using his gullibility and loyalty. Classical music is used as
Kaynak: Lights in the Dusk
Anna Comnena and other writers describe him as uneducated and of weak character Due to his illiteracy and apparent gullibility he was
Kaynak: Eustratius Garidas
responsible for the perpetration of the "Good Times" virus hoax as an exercise to "prove the gullibility of self-proclaimed "experts" on the Internet
Kaynak: Goodtimes virus
who was a man of great energy and passion for the subject, but lacking the gullibility and wishful-thinking characteristic of many ufologists.
Kaynak: UFO Magazine (UK)
Invariably male, they had a reputation for gullibility and were the butt of many jokes. Worthington | 2002 | p 191 | ps References
Kaynak: Tackler
The term usually carries the connotation of idle curiosity, gullibility, simpleminded foolishness and gaping ignorance. It was an old
Kaynak: Badaud
He describes the competition from railroad s, and the new, large cities, and adds his observations on greed, gullibility, tragedy, and bad
Kaynak: Life on the Mississippi
She came to America and while in New York City, she attended Spiritualist séances in the hopes of writing about the gullibility of
Kaynak: Emma Hardinge Britten
gullibility intellectual dishonesty obtuseness. self-deception. superficiality of thought. superstition willful naïveté. wishful thinking
Kaynak: Epistemic virtue
"as comment on the pretensions of the intelligentsia, the gullibility of the media and the stunning incomprehensibility of late-night
Kaynak: Anthony Ellison
himself as Mark Cox, who has claimed the hoax was designed to expose the gullibility and scientific illiteracy of global warming skeptics .
Kaynak: Journal for Geoclimatic Studies
regardless of its absurdity, can have different causes: respect for authority, fear, indoctrination, even critical laziness or gullibility.
Kaynak: List of Newspeak words
He mocks human weakness and gullibility to advertising and to "miracle cures" with the character of Sir Epicure Mammon, who dreams of
Kaynak: The Alchemist (play)
com/jabari-a-peacemaker-baskins-tall-tales-and-media-gullibility/ | title Jabari a peacemaker? tales and media gullibility | last Kerstein
Kaynak: Ahmed Jabari

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