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habitual ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

İngilizce - Türkçe

habitual anlamı
1) alışılmış
2) sürekli
3) alışılagelmiş
4) bağımlı
5) gedikli

"habitual" için örnek kullanımlar

It's becoming too habitual, but no one has come up with any solutions yet.
Bu çok alışılmış oluyor, ama hiç kimse henüz bir çözüm ile geldi.
Kaynak: rantsports.com
His habitual sense of composure is lit this time with a dignified melancholy.
Soğukkanlılığını Onun alışılmış anlamda onurlu bir melankoli ile bu kez yanar.
Kaynak: theage.com.au
The company has been a habitual dividend payer since the early years of this century.
Şirket, bu yüzyılın ilk yıllarından beri bir alışkanlık temettü ödeyen olmuştur.
Kaynak: fool.com
suggests, the habitual aspect specifies an action as occurring habitually: the subject performs the action usually, ordinarily, or customarily.
Kaynak: Habitual aspect
A habitual offender is a person who has repeatedly committed the same crime . s may have law s targeting habitual offenders, and
Kaynak: Habitual offender
In conflict of laws , habitual residence is the standard used to determine the law which should be applied to determine a given legal
Kaynak: Habitual residence
Ritual de lo habitual is the second full studio album (third overall) by Jane's Addiction , released on August 21, 1990 on Warner Brothers
Kaynak: Ritual de lo habitual
Habitual be is the use of an invariant be in African American Vernacular English and Caribbean English to mark habitual or extended
Kaynak: Habitual be
are grammatical aspect s that express incomplete action or state in progress at a specific time: they are non-habitual, imperfective aspects.
Kaynak: Continuous and progressive aspects
Imperfect meanings in English are expressed in different ways depending on whether the event is continuous or habitual. For a continuous
Kaynak: Imperfect
Twenty-four states have some form of habitual offender law. The name comes from baseball , where a batter is permitted two strikes before
Kaynak: Three-strikes law
used for past habitual action ("When I was young I would happily walk three miles to school every day"), or with future-in-the-past meaning.
Kaynak: Conditional mood
made, for example, to distinguish states and ongoing actions (continuous and progressive aspects ) from repetitive actions (habitual aspect ).
Kaynak: Grammatical aspect
A refugee is a person who is outside their country of origin or habitual residence because they have suffered (or fear) persecution on
Kaynak: Refugee

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