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hamper ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

İngilizce - Türkçe

hamper anlamı
1) engellemek
2) engel olmak
3) aksatmak
4) köstek olmak
5) zorluk çıkarmak
1) sepet
2) kapaklı sepet
3) piknik sepeti

"hamper" için örnek kullanımlar

Inside, Carimi's lack of lateral movement didn't hamper him as much.
İçeride, yanal hareket Carimi eksikliği kadar ona engel yoktu.
Kaynak: chi.scout.com
Yet he understood how his team's roster crunch would hamper him.
Oysa onun takımının kadrosunda krizi onu engellemeye nasıl anladım.
Kaynak: nj.com
Autism is a developmental disorder that can hamper social and communication skills.
Otizm, sosyal ve iletişim becerilerini engelleyebilir bir gelişimsel bozukluktur.
Kaynak: medicaldaily.com
That kind of technophobia could hamper technological and economic progress, he said.
Technophobia Bu tür teknolojik ve ekonomik ilerleme engel olabilir, dedi.
Kaynak: cosmiclog.nbcnews.com
A hamper is a primarily British term for a wicker basket , usually large, that is used for the transport of items, often food.
Kaynak: Hamper
Ripley Hampers founder Quintin Acomb first set up the British hamper company in 1834. The Ripley brand also applies to other
Kaynak: Ripley Hampers
The Anti-Terrorism Act 2005 is legislation intended to hamper the activities of any potential terrorists in Australia. It was passed by
Kaynak: Anti-Terrorism Act 2005
Corruption continued to hamper democratic and social reform. The following human rights problems were reported: restricted right of
Kaynak: Human rights in Tajikistan

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