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happiness ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

İngilizce - Türkçe

happiness anlamı
1) mutluluk
2) saadet
3) uygunluk

"happiness" için örnek kullanımlar

Congrats to Steve and his family, much love and happiness to them!!!!!!
Steve ve ailesine Tebrikler, onlar için çok sevgi ve mutluluk!!
Kaynak: celebritybabies.people.com
The results: overall happiness went down after posting, while anger went up.
Sonuçlar: öfke yukarı giderken genel mutluluk, yazdıktan sonra aşağı indi.
Kaynak: motherboard.vice.com
A moment of happiness and love showing is a great gift for any couple.
Gösteren sevgi ve mutluluk bir an herhangi bir çift için mükemmel bir hediye.
Kaynak: ibtimes.com
The bad moments of the agonizing wait melted into happiness Tuesday.
Uğraşarak bekleme kötü anlar mutluluğu Salı içine erimiş.
Kaynak: theledger.com
variety of biological , psychological , religious , and philosophical approaches have striven to define happiness and identify its sources.
Kaynak: Happiness
"happiness!" is the title of a song Japanese pop singer Kaela Kimura , released as the second single from her debut album, Kaela , on
Kaynak: Happiness!!!
The economics of happiness or happiness economics is the quantitative and theoretical study of happiness , positive and negative affect ,
Kaynak: Happiness economics
The assessment of gross national happiness (GNH; Wylie : rgyal-yongs dga'a-skyid dpal-'dzoms) was designed in an attempt to define an
Kaynak: Gross national happiness
is a Greek word commonly translated as happiness or welfare ; however, "human flourishing" has been proposed as a more accurate
Kaynak: Eudaimonia
Sukha is a Sanskrit and Pāli word that is often translated as “happiness " or "ease" or "pleasure " or "bliss. In Buddhism 's Pali
Kaynak: Sukha

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