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hardwood ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

İngilizce - Türkçe

hardwood anlamı
1) parke
2) ahşap
3) ağaç
4) sert kereste

"hardwood" için örnek kullanımlar

These schools' iconic football rivalry also has a lot of juice on the hardwood.
Bu okullar 'ikonik futbol rekabeti de parke üzerindeki suyu bir yeri vardır.
Kaynak: btn.com
Northeastern buyers also value hardwood floors more than people in other regions.
Northeastern alıcılar da diğer bölgelerdeki insanlardan daha parke zeminler daha değerli.
Kaynak: realestaterama.com
First off, dumping lots of liquid on to a hardwood floor can't be good for the floor.
Öncelikle, bir parke zemin üzerine çok fazla sıvı damping zemin için iyi olamaz.
Kaynak: ksl.com
There is a reason why Gatorade baths don't happen during celebrations on the hardwood.
Gatorade banyoları parke üzerinde kutlamaları sırasında olmaz bir nedeni vardır.
Kaynak: al.com
This style of engineered hardwood has the same look as solid hardwood, and does not have any of the potential problems of "face checking"
Kaynak: Wood flooring
Tropical hardwood hammocks are closed canopy forest s, dominated by a diverse assemblage of evergreen and semi-deciduous tree and shrub
Kaynak: Tropical hardwood hammock
The northern hardwood forest is a general type of North America n forest ecosystem found over much of southeastern and south central Canada
Kaynak: Northern hardwood forest
The Bottomland hardwood forest is a type of deciduous hardwood forest found in broad lowland floodplains along large rivers and lakes
Kaynak: Bottomland hardwood forest
Iroko is a large hardwood tree from the west coast of tropical Africa . It is one of the woods sometimes referred to as African Teak,
Kaynak: Iroko
The term hardwood is used to describe wood from non-monocot angiosperm trees. It can also refer to: Hardwood flooring Hardwood (film), a
Kaynak: Hardwood (disambiguation)
The Central U.S. hardwood forests comprise a Temperate broadleaf and mixed forests ecoregion in the Eastern United States .
Kaynak: Central U.S. hardwood forests

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