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Hebrew ne demek?

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İngilizce - Türkçe

Hebrew anlamı
1) İbranice
2) İbrani
3) Yahudi
4) Musevi
1) İbranice
2) İbrani
3) Yahudi

"Hebrew" için örnek kullanımlar

Amid the festivities, celebrants wrote the final Hebrew words on the Torah.
Festivaller ortasında, celebrants Tevrat'a nihai İbranice sözler yazdı.
Kaynak: newsday.com
the embassy wrote in Hebrew, English and Arabic on its Facebook page.
Büyükelçilik kendi Facebook sayfasında İbranice, İngilizce ve Arapça yazdı.
Kaynak: themedialine.org
The original Hebrew text is read and then translated and clearly explained in English.
Orijinal İbranice metni okuyup sonra tercüme ve açıkça İngilizce açıklanmıştır.
Kaynak: chabad.org
Playboy is launching an Israeli edition that will be in Hebrew and feature Israeli women.
Playboy İbranice olmak ve İsrailli kadın yer alacak bir İsrail baskısı başlatıyor.
Kaynak: blogs.phillymag.com
Hebrew. (ˈ | h | iː | b | r | uː) (he | עִבְרִית he | ʿIvrit, Ivrit1. ogg | ʔivˈʁit or. He-Ivrit. ogg | ʕivˈɾit is a West Semitic language of the
Kaynak: Hebrew language
The Hebrew alphabet. (אָלֶף־בֵּית עִבְרִי Common_Hebrew_Spelling | a |, he | alefbet ʿIvri in the writing of the Hebrew language , as well as
Kaynak: Hebrew alphabet
Biblical Hebrew. (עִבְֿרִיתֿ מִקְרָאִיתֿ also called Classical Hebrew (עברית קלאסית), is the archaic form of the Hebrew language , a
Kaynak: Biblical Hebrew
Hebrews (Hebrew : עברים or עבריים, Tiberian. he-Latn | ʿIḇrîm, he-Latn | ʿIḇriyyîm Modern Hebrew. he-Latn | ʿIvrim, he-Latn | ʿIvriyyim
Kaynak: Hebrews
The Hebrew Bible (also Hebrew Scriptures, Jewish Bible (Judaica Bible); Biblia Hebraica) is a term used by biblical scholars to refer to
Kaynak: Hebrew Bible
Modern Hebrew (עברית חדשה ivrit hadasha), also known as Israeli Hebrew (עברית ישראלית ivrit yisre'elit), is the direct linguistic
Kaynak: Modern Hebrew
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem. (האוניברסיטה העברית בירושלים. ha-Universita ha-Ivrit B'irushalayim. الجامعة العبرية في القدس
Kaynak: Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Hebrew literature consists of ancient, medieval, and modern writings in the Hebrew language . literature written in Hebrew by non-Jews
Kaynak: Hebrew literature
The Hebrew or Jewish calendar. (הַלּוּחַ הָעִבְרִי. ha'luach ha'ivri) is a lunisolar calendar used today predominantly for Jew ish religious
Kaynak: Hebrew calendar
Judaism (from the Latin Iudaismus, derived from the Greek Ioudaïsmos, and ultimately from the Hebrew יהודה, Yehudah, "Judah "; in Hebrew:
Kaynak: Judaism
(Hebrew University , TAU and Technion ), physics (TAU, Hebrew University and Weizmann Institute of Science ), chemistry (Technion and
Kaynak: Israel
Protestants accept only the Hebrew Bible 's canon but divide it into 39 books, while Catholics , the Eastern Orthodox , Coptic and
Kaynak: Old Testament
In its most specific meaning, it consists of the first five books of the Tanakh written in Biblical Hebrew . these books in Hebrew are taken
Kaynak: Torah
The term Mishnaic Hebrew refers to the Hebrew dialects found in the Talmud , excepting quotations from the Hebrew Bible. Mishnaic Hebrew
Kaynak: Mishnaic Hebrew
translated as: "Children of Israel" or "Sons of Israel") were a Semitic Hebrew -speaking people of the Ancient Near East , who inhabited
Kaynak: Israelites
Tiberian Hebrew is the canonical pronunciation of the Hebrew Bible or Tanakh and related documents. This traditional medieval
Kaynak: Tiberian Hebrew
or təˈnax; also Tenakh, Tenak, Tanach) is a name used in Judaism for the canon of the Hebrew Bible . The Tanakh is also known as the
Kaynak: Tanakh

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