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heretical ne demek?

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"heretical" için örnek kullanımlar

For a marketer, Tardieu is the first to admit that this notion is heretical.
Bir pazarlamacı için Tardieu bu fikri sapkın olduğunu itiraf ilk.
Kaynak: prweb.com
Imagine how heretical these passages would sound in a women's studies class today.
Bu pasajlarda bugün bir kadın çalışmaları sınıfta kulağa nasıl sapkın düşünün.
Kaynak: realclearpolitics.com
Why is such a suggestion considered almost heretical?
Neden böyle bir öneri neredeyse sapkın olarak kabul edilir?
Kaynak: communities.washingtontimes.com
as Satan or chaos In certain historical Christian, Jewish, and some modern cultures, espousing ideas deemed heretical was punishable by law.
Kaynak: Heresy
date October 2012 In the East , the term "heresy" most commonly refers to those beliefs declared to be heretical by the first seven
Kaynak: Heresy in Christianity
whose works have, in part or in whole, been condemned as heretical by significant persons or groups in the larger Jewish community based
Kaynak: Heresy in Judaism
Orthodox Judaism considers Reform , Reconstructionist Judaism , and Conservative Judaism to be heretical movements. date March 2009 The
Kaynak: Heresy in Orthodox Judaism
Groups like the Khawarij are most often seen as extremely heretical, while the Ismaili s, the Hurufi ya, the Alawi s, the Bektashi and
Kaynak: Heresy in Islam
Biography Career and work: The Heretical Press website at heretical. com contains an eclectic mixture of excerpts taken from Sheppard's books
Kaynak: Simon Sheppard (activist)
Linguistically the term means "innovation, novelty, heretical doctrine, heresy In contrast to the English term "innovation", in Arabic,
Kaynak: Bid‘ah
The Taborites (Czech Táborité, singular Táborita) were members of a religious community considered heretical by the Catholic Church.
Kaynak: Taborite
The Condemnations at the medieval University of Paris were enacted to restrict certain teachings as being heretical. These included a
Kaynak: Condemnations of 1210–1277
Eusebius of Dorylaeum was a 5th-century bishop who spoke out against heretical teachings, especially those of Nestorius and Eutyches ,
Kaynak: Eusebius of Dorylaeum
Collyridianism was an obscure Early Christian heretical movement whose adherents apparently worshipped the Virgin Mary , mother of Jesus
Kaynak: Collyridianism
Alexander (fl. 50–65) was an early Christian , one of two heretical teachers at Ephesus —the other being Hymenaeus —against whom Paul warns
Kaynak: Alexander (Ephesian)
Tondrakians (Թոնդրակեաններ) were members of an anti-feudal, heretical Christian sect that flourished in medieval Armenia between the
Kaynak: Tondrakians
Tanchelm (died 1115), also known as Tanchelm of Antwerp, Tanchelijn, Tanquelin or Tanchelin, was a heretical itinerant preacher , critical
Kaynak: Tanchelm
The Men of Understanding (in Latin Homines Intelligentiae) is the name assumed by a heretical sect (from the Catholic point of view) in the
Kaynak: Men of Understanding
In his anti-heretical dialogues he claimed frequently to reproduce the identical words of the great Eastern theologian, St . John of
Kaynak: Theodore Abucara

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