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herewith ne demek?

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İngilizce - Türkçe

herewith anlamı
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2) bu nedenle
3) böylelikle
4) sonuç olarak

"herewith" için örnek kullanımlar

Management Board of Arctic Paper S.A. herewith publishes the Arctic
Arctic Kağıt SA Yönetim Kurulu vesile Arctic yayınlıyor
Kaynak: swedishwire.com
Herewith, a list of the most significant points of synchronicity.
Bu vesile ile, eşzamanlılık en önemli noktaların bir listesini.
Kaynak: slate.com
So, without further ado, herewith my 'Royal Baby Exclusive!'
Böylece, fazla uzatmadan, bu belgeyle benim 'Kraliyet Bebek Özel!'
Kaynak: dailymail.co.uk
This source code is herewith released by me into the Public Domain.' Bill Buckels, May 30, 2007'You have a royalty-free right to use,
Kaynak: BSAVE (graphics image format)
in the Province of Pennsylvania, do acknowledge, and herewith make known, that we do own the foregoing Confession, Appendix, and Menno's
Kaynak: Dordrecht Confession of Faith
20, 1934, he admits to being 77 with his personal addition herewith dated Mar. 3, 2011. Hull began his radio career in Armed Forces Radio in
Kaynak: Dave Hull
granted a license for the printing of the Doctrinas Christianas , herewith enclosed - one in the Tagalog language , which is the native
Kaynak: First book of the Spanish Philippines
Bring ye all the tithes into the storehouse, that there may be meat in mine house, and prove me now herewith, saith the Lord of hosts, if I
Kaynak: The Windows of Heaven (film)
We herewith proclaim the independence of Korea and the liberty of the Korean people. This we proclaim to all the nations of the world in
Kaynak: Korean Declaration of Independence
Becks name is herewith related to ("a stream or brook") and cognate with German "Bach " "List of people with surname Becks : Andreas Becks ,
Kaynak: Becks (surname)
Furthermore, the amount that is ordered by the Judge is in direct correlation to the strength or weakness of the plaintiff's case brought herewith.
Kaynak: Security for costs
The rapid development in information technology, the secure transmission of confidential data herewith gets a great deal of attention.
Kaynak: Network Security & Cryptography
applications for U.S. Letters Patent, each of which was filed concurrently herewith, that is, on May 31, 1988, and has a common assignee herewith: Ser.
Kaynak: MPEG-2
.will meet with a hearty welcome from the residents of Pacific Palisades and the surrounding sections that the publisher herewith presents
Kaynak: Palisadian-Post
Museum (Natural History); and to amend certain enactments relating to museums, galleries and libraries; and for purposes connected herewith."
Kaynak: Museums and Galleries Act 1992
But we herewith demand that this stock-taking, monitoring and preservation be founded on scientific criteria and not on irrational pre-
Kaynak: World Scientists' Warning to Humanity

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